It's recruiting that makes me mulish.
It always seems like recruiting is the difference between life and death for lots of tv shows. I guess it probably doesn't matter in the long run, but life is good when you can talk about your favorite entertainments with other people, especially smart, perceptive people, who understand why you take them seriously.
Yes. This.
And if it separates you from the much the better.
Because when I saw the trailer for the Wire, I thought "Ew. Drugs. Downer."(And it is, and it's not. It also cracks me up hard. What it's not is endless news footage of twenty-something black "shitbirds" being slammed against walls and stuff. You get to love things about those guys too.)
When I saw the trailer for Deadwood, I thought "Westerns. Ew. Aren't we over the Duke thing yet?"(And it is way different than I expected. Funnier, too.)
So i'm grateful to people I respect for setting me straight on those things.
Strega: I, personally, want you, personally, to watch Veronica Mars because I've always found your way of looking at things to be interesting and funny. You'd add something to discussions that I'd hopefully get to read.
I don't generally proselytize, I don't think. I talk about how I like shows, and if that convinces people to check out shows, then I'm happy if they like it too.
I do have missionary genes, you know.
I just grew up heathen so it came out as thrall to The Daves of HBO.
I'm against prostelyzing on principle, even if I've been guilty of it regarding film/tv in the past (ps, everyone go rent The Apple). The Deadwood talk in here doesn't ping me that way because there is actual discussion surrounding the pleas to watch.
I hope I've never offended anyone doing that, even if every "But I don't *like* cop shows." is like taking one to the gut for me.
To get kind of back on topic:
Corwood, bunk, what Western films should I investigate with the new interest from Deadwood?
...but even though Deadwood talk is in here (for now), we're not going to start talking about Veronica Mars or other TV shows in here.
t /self-appointed thread police
In movie news, I saw a description of "upcoming" movies for summer 2007 the other day. Now, I know that, a year out, the predictive criteria for any given blockbuster are poor, so sequels are necessarily going to show up heavily in such a list. But the list? Was
sequels: Ocean's 13, Pirates 3, The Bourne [Adjective], a second Fantastic Four movie -- ? and that last, did the first one actually do that well, or are they always planning for a trilogy when they start teh first one, now?
(Earnestly pretending to have grokked all that stuff.)
I'll rent it anyway.
Not why should I watch it, but why do you, personally, want me to watch it?
Well, I was mostly joking because, like you said, I'm sure we've had this conversation before, but I like sharing the things I love with my friends. But you don't have to watch it if you're not interested.