I remember hearing That Song on the radio while I was alone in the TV studio at my high school a couple of days after seeing Titanic, and CRYING, and then being horrified that I was crying and desperately grateful that I was alone.
What's the British slang for this? Wet?
I just saw the trailer for Crank. It pleases me to no end that they've concocted another plot for a film where Jason Statham appears shirtless.
What's the British slang for this? Wet?
Heh. I don't know, but I suspect that whatever the term is, it needs to be incorporated into my vocabulary.
but I suspect that whatever the term is, it needs to be incorporated into my vocabulary.
Yes, well that is the term.
Or as Ple would have it: "emotastic delicate snowflake."
Deadwood: There was so much to love in this episode, so I'll start with the hate: Cy's scenes ('cause why?) and the godawful mess of the theater troupe, which made no fucking sense at all. Love: Jane and Joanie guarding the school (although Jane's Emmy speech later was a little contrived), Al jumping off the balcony, Hearst's lackey going down, although it was brutal, Alma realizing that a) Al is the best chess player she's ever known and b) that she has the steel to finish the walk alone, the whores' admiration of Alma, "Wu", Al taunting Hearst, Jarry (who really sucks the life out of the show) subtly mocking Hearst, Richardson bringing the note to Al, Bullock's visible trembling hate at dinner ('cause: HA!). All in all, pretty damn great.
Deadwood non-watchers: what are you waiting for?
To finish up
Battlestar Galactica
comes up in the Netflix queue. (It's on there, though!)
As a set/costume/prop geek, Titanic was amazing for me to watch (up until people started drowning). A friend gave me the "Making Of Titanic" book, which is verra pretty.
Just watched Coyote Ugly. Let us never speak of it again.
I just saw the trailer for Crank. It pleases me to no end that they've concocted another plot for a film where Jason Statham appears shirtless.
Not just shirtless. (Also Not Safe for Work...)
Deadwood non-watchers: what are you waiting for?
Hell to freeze over, which will have to happen before I pay for HBO again after their cancellation of Carnivàle.
Just watched Coyote Ugly. Let us never speak of it again.
I did too! It was on late night TV on Saturday night. I knew it would be bad, but I couldn't quite believe how bad it was. Except I really like Maria Bello.
Corwood, I pretty much agree completely, especially
on what is the fuckin' purpose of the cobshucking (sorry, cannot resist the inanity) acting troupe. I love Brian Cox's scenes with McShane, but otherwise they have been a massive drain on other characters' screen time I'd rather see (the acting troupe has Potential, so to speak). I did, however, love Cy's scene with Doc, but mainly 'cause I love any scene I've seen with Doc. Is Jarry the one played by Ned RyersonStephen Tobolowsky? I kinda like his pompous obsequiousness, although if he ever had a scene with Farnum lasting more than 30 seconds my TV would implode from the cringing mealy-mouthedness (so glad Brad Dourif didn't get stuck in a role like that, even though he can play the hell out of that too). In closing, "How's the fuckin' back, pal?"