There was a gentleness to Gene Wilder that I thought was missing from Johnny Depp's take on the characters
I like Wilder's interactions with the kids. Not just "Speak louder next time," which Depp also did ("Mumbling!"), but his little asides about their various misdeeds (on Violet's nosepicking, "I know a worse one [habit]") and that wonderful little moment when he's barring the group's entrance into the chocolate waterfall room and he runs his hand through Mike's hair and then plucks a hair out of his head. Throughout the film, though, you can tell he's searching for that One Good Kid for his heir. In CatCF, Charlie initially wins simply because he's the last one left.
Haven't seen Deadwood yet
Good episode, and it was written by W. Earl Brown.
This may be a stupid question, but why is Deadwood discussed here instead of Boxed Set? (Just curious, not complaining or anything.)
Cashmere, I have been wondering the same thing for weeks. I think maybe because discussion of the show keeps coming up in the context of Westerns, so it's just remained here.
This may be a stupid question, but why is Deadwood discussed here instead of Boxed Set?
Mainly because there's a disclaimer on Boxed Set that it is not a general TV thread but a sci-fi/fantasy/horror thread, and the DEADWOOD posts were getting lost in natter for some who don't keep up there.
eta At least that's why I've been posting about it here. Plus what Polter said - it's come up a few times independent of new episodes due to discussion of westerns.
Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka freaked me out as a kid. Still does. There was this underlying menace that scared me.
Dude. That menace is totally overlying.
When I watched the movie again in college, I saw it for what it was, which is a slasher movie.
I've been afraid to check out the remake because I love the original so much.
Dude. That menace is totally overlying.
Thank you. I haven't actually seen it in years. Decades even. See above re: freaked out.
Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka freaked me out as a kid. Still does. There was this underlying menace that scared me.
He's gone on records saying he did that deliberately - that he wanted the audience to wonder what he was really up to, that you weren't sure what he was capable of, and that anything might happen once they were in the factory.