I love his peformance in this movie, and I'm not really surprised that that scene got laughs. It's not a comic scene by any stretch, but enough of the film (especially Carrell's character) is right on that line between funny and sad that if you weren't paying close attention, you could miss it.
I should go see it again while it's still in theatres. Such a wonderful little movie.
Snakes on a Plane iPod skin: [link]
The thing that amuses me here is the rest of their product line: van Gogh, Bosch, contemporary artists. And SoaP.
Deadwood:I was so happy to see Wu. I've been wondering what happened to him all season!
I just read the plot of Descent. What a horrible film. Not in a
sort of a way (only).
We saw
The Devil Wears Prada
today. Lots of fun, and Meryl Streep was great. However, the weight thing was disturbing, if not surprising. Anne Hathaway
is a 4 in real life (according to an interview I saw with her) and she played a 6 in the movie and was called fat through much of it.
sj, I think it was supposed to be disturbing. AH is so obviously NOT
fat. It felt like a commentary on the fashion industry rather than saying she's really overweight.
ChiKat, I got that it was meant to be that way, but knowing that it is likely the reality of that industry made it more disturbing for me.
If Anne Hathaway is fat, I am enormous. And I can't buy shirts at casual stores (which only have small/medium/large) because my body is a medium (and sometimes a small), but my longs are an extra-long.
But, yeah, I definitely think it's a fair read of the fashion industry. Which is, indeed, the point, and is also, yes, rather scary.
To say something that hasn't already been said in this conversation: I want all (well, most - i still don't get those golf hat things, and why models in them are supposed to be fashionable rather than strange) of the clothes in that movie, even though, being male, I'd look rather off in most of them. Maybe I really just want Anne, IN the clothes, also in my house. Or couch. Or... bunk.
Okay, I'm digressing.
I want the clothes too, but in my size.
I want to be the size I used to be, so I can fit in the clothes.
If Anne Hathaway is fat, I am a giant troll woman.