I think my favorite (funny) TKAM line is when the kids are walking Atticus back to the house at the end of the workday, and he stops to charm the cranky old lady next door.
Atticus: "Why, Mrs. [Blahblah], you look a picture today!"
Scout to Dill and Jem behind his back: "He don't say a picture of what."
Atticus gives her a "shush" swat on the arm.
So The Descent is getting decent reviews but I don't think I'll see it because I can't watch horror movies at all anymore (I get too freaked out and then I can't sleep and I really hate not sleeping). All the reviews are mentioning a
big shock that comes early on in the movie and
I'm dying to know what it is. If anybody sees the movie, can you tell me?
The Descent as in the one with the cavers?
Oh well then -
I don't actually remember any shocks from very early in the movie. The scary doesn't happen until about a half hour in, iirc. The first reveal of the monsters is pretty creepy and shocking though.
I think it came out last year in the UK and is already out on DVD, but we're only getting it over here now. And, yeah, I've been hearing really good things about it.
lisah, from a spoilery review I read, I think what your white font is referring to is
the car accident that kills one of the main charaters' husband and kids in a particularly grusome way. Separate from the rest of the main story/premise a la the car accident that opens DEAD CALM, but significant backstory as well.
Yeah. Distinct from The Cave in that it's a women-only team of spelunkers. I'm hoping that it's better written, as removing the Eddie Cibrian eye candy factor would be seriously detrimental to the other movie's watchability.
Every review is mentioning something very early in the film and not saying what it was. Like, the Salon reviewer says it begins
with "one of the most horrifying shocks I've ever seen in a motion picture."
Frank -
I don't remember how the husband died in the first bit, what happened? And didn't the daughter survive