I really, really want to believe that most of the articles about the whole thing are by people who know that it's a joke and are playing along. Even if it's just because if they admit it's a joke, they can't continue covering it as "news," I'd be okay with that.
But I suspect it's got more to do with the fact that a lot of people in this world are astonishingly stupid.
I really, really want to believe that most of the articles about the whole thing are by people who know that it's a joke and are playing along.
This is my take on it.
The 'open letter to Luke Wilson' is pretty hilarious.
I've never heard any Steely Dan, but I now think they are awesome.
Steely Dan, to you!
I'm not much of a fan of the band (despite Joe Boucher's best efforts to win me over), but I think Fagen & Becker are funny as hell.
Loves me some Dan. And I found the letter and Wilson's response hilarious.
They ARE awesome! Smart and funny, just how I likes 'em.
And, love or hate their music, if you grew up in my generation, you can't NOT sing along.
Ajawas a must have album.
Not a big Dan fan, but OMG that letter was perfect, as was the response. I dare anyone to read the Open Letter out loud and not fall into a 70s stoner-surfer cadence.
And now I'm going to be saying "Do you want to be the Zal Yarnovsky of the 21st Century?" and "stuff that is not spiritually aligned with them on all levels" and "retrograde reality matrix."
I suspect, though, that Dupree is based on the song, and the studio cleared it with Steely Dan, and they are just ginning up some hype.
Aja was a must have album.
See, I love the Dan, but I prefer everything they did before AJA (particularly THE ROYAL SCAM, which was right before it - or as right before it as the Dan's perfectionism let it be). They never lost the snark, but I definitely prefer the gritty weirdness of their older sound to the smooth, tasty El Lay jazz-fusion they seem to have settled into from AJA on forward.
That said, Deacon Blues is a kick-ass song (and Peg and Black Cow are close to as good).
I wouldn't be surprised if Wes Anderson had a hand in this somewhere.
C'mon, Owen co-wrote
and despite his surfer stoner image, his commentary there reveals he's plenty capable of writing his own material.