I am still traumitized by that clown/blacksmith/rapist dude however many years later. Also, I was a sick little girl, but becuase of how sinister and secret Sylvia's pregnancy was and what a whack-a-loon her father was, I was SURE that it was her father's baby.
Although, now that I look at the dates that is less surprising, because that was the same year that my cousins came to stay with us because their father was abusing them. No wonder I was traumitized
My favorite line from the review of that ep from the link I put in: It is so wildly inappropriate it's almost hallucinatory.
Ha! Little House meets Deadwood: Erika funny.
"Sylvia" was quite a blow to the mind of children everywhere. Craziness, but I remember liking the episode. It was scary!
Seriously, Corwood, I was thinking "Where are the rabble and ignorant hooples? How do they have conditioner in 1874? Where's the Gem, or equivalent?"
David Milch has fucked me up. Again, I should say...I used to love some Sipowicz, back in the day.
I'm working on an (unbearably pompous) article about institutionalism on Deadwood and The Wire. Although it seems obvious to me in retrospect, they are on opposite sides: Deadwood celebrates the creation and shelter of institutions as a force of civilization against the cruel hooples and robber barons, while The Wire points out over and over again how destructive they are to communities because institutions, while ostensibly neutral, are run by human beings, who are by nature frail and given to irrational means to achieve their ends.
Bunky, I'm waiting on this.If it is too pompous, I expect I could tell you to get the fuck over yourself.
Yeah, they both have a point...would love to talk that over with the different Daves.
But I would probably just sound like a Chris Farley character:
"Remember 'Homicide'?! Dude, that was *awesome*." ETA: Cinnamon *is* good on the the fucking peaches, by which I mean, this fits fine in here. Another bit of weirdness to explain to the newbies, but like that's a fuckin' first. Keep the hooples to a minimum with the secret handshakes and such.
(This is so the wrong topic, but I have a vaguely similar notion about B5 & Galactica's approach to communities.)
Well, that's interesting or it would be if I grooked spaceship shows. Course I never pictured liking a Western again, either. After my pioneer phase.
But I need another show like I need another tit.
If you'll follow me.
I never watched B5, but Galactica is mostly excellent.
If it is too pompous, I expect I could tell you to get the fuck over yourself.
Get your engines started. I haven't mentioned Schopenhauer yet, but given my recent writing, he's definitely waiting in the wings.