IOW, the writer may have turned in a truly excellent script and then had to stand by helplessly as it systematically had all the excellence sucked out of the story.
Moore took complete responsibility for the suckage, but my impression from the podcast was that it was a problematic ep from day 1 (before a writer had ever been assigned).
Huh. A geekfriend just emailed to discuss the Spidey trailer. He said "Venom! Sandman! Hobgoblin! And there's the rumor of a 4th villain, but Sam Raimi is keeping a tight lid on that."
So maybe Hobgoblin and Green Goblin II?
Although, the Lizard was introduced in the last movie, so maybe he'll get some screentime in this one.
I dunno. The premise was suspect at best, and the climax was T.J. Hooker-level bad (in fact, on that note, the episode would have been greatly improved by ending on a freeze-frame of Apollo giving the camera a thumbs-up, laughing his fool head off).
That said, I'm sure there's plenty of room to spread the blame around.
multiple xpost, natch
No, nothing is like "You could've bent me over a patrol car, and had your way with me..."
It's funny and fucking touching. Against its will.
I get the urge to quote that to my friends a lot, but mostly they just blink.(Not that I'm makes me appreciate other Wire fiends , though. And I guess I'm gonna have to rethink the damn Christmas cards. I hate when that happens, bunk.)
I went to see Superman Returns today!!! It was great!!!
Plus, I saw an ad (really seemed like an ad not a teaser) for Miami Vice, a Teaser for Snakes on a Plane, a trailer for POTC2 (the first one I've seen at the theatre -- THAT'S how long it's been since I've seen a movie in the theatre), one for Accepted (silly!) and My Super Ex-Girlfriend and a teaser for The Nativity Story (which JUST didn't seem to fit) AND the Spidey3 Trailer!!!
Also -- I got to buy my ticket for POTC2.
She looks perfect for it, doesn't she?
Chopra is a big Bollywood star and is appearing in India’s answer to Superman, a film called Krrish.
Krrish! I'm seeing that this weekend at some point. If I ever get around to putting on real clothes.
I don't know anything about her acting, but they could hardly find anyone that looks more like the character.