I enjoyed watching re-runs of the 60's series when I was a kid. I remember watching them every Sunday morning before Sunday School with my parents. I have no idea how well they'd hold up now. I've already had unfortunate realizations with Transformers: The Movie, Voltron and Thundercats upon coming across them in my adult life.
I suspect (speaking from personal experience) that they hold up pretty well, not in an action/adventure way, but in that fact that, like Bullwinkle and The Tick, the show works on one level for kids and on another one completely for adults (although I think back in its day, the kids might have recognized more of the special guest villains - it looks like playing a Batman villain was "THE thing to do" for a certain type of celebrity).
In conclusion, I'm standing in the corner with Plei and Fred with the unhealthy love.
They started showing it on FX over here a few years ago. An hour a day, every day. I was watching it with a friend and her mum, and she asked her how they didn't recognise the rampant homoeroticism back in the day. "We didn't know about the gay back then" was her reply.
I remember it fondly,I suppose.
Haven't seen any in a really long time.
I have no idea why they need Sandman; I'd never even heard of him.
He's a Spidey villain from waaaaaay back.
DH and I were speculating that Topher Grace might not actually make it all the way to being Venom in this film -- that it might be Spidey v Evil Suit (and Sandman and GGII), with Topher only becoming Venom close enough to the end to set him up for Spidey 4. Because otherwise, yeah, WAY too many villains.
Batman Begins, even though I didn't enjoy it, did three villians really well-- they mapped like spiraling circles of villiany. Although Chris Nolan has some experience with complicated plotting.
P.S.: I do not know how to spell villian/villain. They both look wrong. I know it derives from villein, maybe that's a clue.
Now I just need to figure out which movie will most likely be showing the Spidey 3 trailer...mmm....
Seriously, Spidey vs. Evil Suit would be enough for one movie.
Topher Grace does NOT seem big/bulky enough to play Eddie Brock. IJS.
But MAN, Thomas Hayden Church is so perfectly Sandman -- the same way J.K. Simmons is J. Jonah Jameson. Impressive.
When I was a kid, I didn't realize that
(the TV show) was supposed to be funny. I remember being confused when Batman went into a bar and ordered a milk.
But I did find the "Bat-parachute-retrieval-service" van amusing (it showed up just after the Batmobile used a parachute to slow down that was then jettisoned).
I remember reading a Neil Adams/Dennis O'Neal Batman comic when I was little, where a burglar pulled a gun on Batman, and Batman broke his knuckles. That wasn't the Batman I was used to; it caused me some serious congitive dissonance.