I think the people who subscribe for particular shows are exactly why they're holding those final episodes for next year. It gives them one more chance to hook people on something else.
And they're justified in counting on people's laziness-- lots of subscribers will just keep HBO for those down six months. I forget the term for that.
Yes, HBO became dead to me when Carnivale disappeared. People tell me I do need to see Deadwood one of these days.
From what I hear it's a bunch of people in cowboy boots swearing and shooting at each other. If I want to see that, I can get it for free here.
I thought that, too.
But, really, not the same.
And it's killing my genre snob to say so, but she's a snotty bitch and I'd be better off without her anyway.
Deadwood is one of the best shows HBO - no, TV - has ever created, featuring a flat-out brilliant ensemble cast centered around the greatest anti-hero since Richard III. No hyperbole there, just simple statement of fact. Shakespeare invoked on purpose.
I love
Richard III.
Thanks for making me want to watch the show EVEN MORE. Geez.
I was skeptical of how great the HBO dramas were supposed to be, especially because none of them seemed like My Kind of Thing, and then I watched
Deadwood's really fantastic.
Sorry, I tried to leave it out, but I just couldn't.
It's a fucking thing, you know.
The head of our local vocational rehabilitation department is a Swearingen. Which actually explains a lot.
I don't even know the guy, but I've been so tempted to call him a cocksucker and hang up, it's unbelievable.
I wonder if I would be the first.
This write-up on Salon about Deadwood is awesome.
Echoing all the Deadwood supporters in saying
From what I hear it's a bunch of people in cowboy boots swearing and shooting at each other.
does not even begin to describe Deadwood. Although there is a lot of swearing. There really aren't even any cowboys on the show, strictly speaking.