As a non-Pacino related tangent, I just want to say that I really had no interest at all in seeing "The Wild," and was starting to wonder just how many friggin' CG animated movies about talking animals we were going to get this year.
Then I listen to the trailer with the sound on my TV turned up for a change and realized that the koala in that one is voiced by Eddie Izzard.
Eddie can have my movie money.
Okay, maybe not for the Avengers.
just how many friggin' CG animated movies about talking animals we were going to get this year.
I could go for a sequel to O11 starring the penguins from Madagascar.
It could have the tagline: "Penguins are the new 11"
I could go for a sequel to O11 starring the penguins from Madagascar.
Okay, missing the WHOLE point of the franchise.
Dana sorry about that - it was so minor that I didn't even think about it.
No problem. It happens. Hazard of the internet.
And I see Tristan and Isolde is releasing on DVD this week. That took longer than I thought it would, judging by the trailer I saw.