The film stars Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale as magicians who become embroiled in a deadly rivalry.
And not just magicians, either. Turn of the 19th/20th century magicians. Period stuff. I'm very excited. Plus it's directed by Chris "how did I get so lucky" Nolan.
The film stars Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale as magicians who become embroiled in a deadly rivalry.
Yet not called
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell...
I ADORE Ricky Jay.
I wish he'd stuck with Deadwood, 'cause his character was a fantastic slice of conscience at the Bella Union, and Jay played Sawyer perfectly. Also, I longed to see him decapitate a man with a playing card.
I found out because I was trying to find when Jay would do more live performances. There have been rumors of his coming to SF....
The Prestige
came out quite awhile before Jonathan Strange; I bought it but didn't get around to reading it.
The film stars Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale as magicians who become embroiled in a deadly rivalry.
And not just magicians, either. Turn of the 19th/20th century magicians. Period stuff.
They're going to perform magic while dressed in tuxes, aren't they? My God, this movie has the potential to kill half its audience in their seats with the hotness and drive most of the other half to suicide with the feelings of inadequacy it will spark.
They're going to perform magic while dressed in tuxes, aren't they?
I cannot
for this movie. The book was all sorts of odd and strange, and I'm not sure how they're going to translate it to a movie, but oh! the eyecandy is going to be gorgeous.
I'm just imagining Jackman and Bale having a smolder-off. Mmmmmmmmmm
Kate Beckinsale could wander in between the two and spontaneously combust!