cranberries are way too tart to be mass-marketed to the public without sugar. Which is why it is harder (IME) to find unsweetened cranberry juice, and why it tastes godawful (IMO). Ocean Spray probably uses as much sugar as cranberry in their assorted products.
Right. So not for the weakwilled. But given the alternative, I'll take having my mouth pucker so badly my lips end up in the back of my mouth in exchange for the shaky, fevery stuff. I'm tough that way.
And I'm psyched about the 'more cranberry products coming' link.
Good for my health, good for the bog farmers!
I can't believe I didn't know there's a restaurant called Monkey Noodles. I have to go there.
Totally. Citizen Thai & The Monkey Noodle Bar. Is that a perfect Buffista restaurant name or what?
May the powers that be allow that I behave in a dignified fashion when I would rather kick knees and pull hair.
Or, at the very least, may TPTB provide you with the strength to take the annoying ones out quickly and cleanly.
I've only had the Crasins branded crasins once, and that was long before the diabetes. I think the last ones I had were a bag of natural, unsweetened dried cranberries from the local fleet and farm store.
I miss the snacking on fruit, fresh or dried, the most. It's not the same when you have to have a tiny portion.
Ah well
t /mememe
Which is why it is harder (IME) to find unsweetened cranberry juice, and why it tastes godawful (IMO). Ocean Spray probably uses as much sugar as cranberry in their assorted products.
There are a number of brands that use other juices, as opposed to corn syrup, as a sweetener. It probably works out to a ton of natural sugar, but they aren't that uncommon.
What. A. Morning.
Had to get up early to make time for getting Emeline's Valentine's for school. Had to go to 2 stores (flea - this must be common theme with daycare. We found out when we picked her up LAST NIGHT), finally got her Harry Potter ones. Got candy for the teachers. Took her to school. Found out we were a lso supposed to bring a snack (Joe didn't see that part of the note. He stopped reading in indignation after the demand for valentines.). I said, "Sorry - didn't know." Left to go take the drug test for my weekend job. Traffic was HELL. Finally got there at 8:45 and there wasa note on the door saying, "Emergency - not opening til 9:30". Threw a fit at the nurse, she finally took me inside and let me pee. I left. Traffic was FUCKING HELL. Didn't get to work until just now and I had to drive in. No spots at the train station.
Happy Freakin' Valentines. I'm glad that saint guy is daid cause right now, I'd beat him to death with a Toblerone.
And I'm psyched about the 'more cranberry products coming' link. Good for my health, good for the bog farmers!
I saw a travel or cooking show on how they harvest Cranberries. Kinda neat. Flood the bog! Skim the berries! All so human-intervention.
I have found that the pure, unsweetened cranberry juice is fairly tolerable when cut by half with diet 7up.
Okay, given that he's described as punk, I'm envisioning you giving him a speech about actually kicking puppies.
That's our juliana - gorgeous, defender of small animals, and taking San Francisco by storm.
Flea, Aimée, what would happen if you said to the daycare folks, "On 12 hours notice? I. Don't. Think. So." Do they ostracize your kids or something? Because that's not the sort of respect for my time that I'd expect from any service that I'm paying for.
There was also an exceptionally bloody mob hit on Valentine's involving some of Capone's guys in Chicago, Aimee.
May we all keep the day in our own way.
Geez Amiée. That sounds like a horrible start to the day. And manditory valentines day cards? At a daycare? It's bad enough in grade school.
All I know is when I was in grade school and got cards that were obviously given to be for everyone, it diminished their importance in my wee little mind.
I recall one year when everyone was forced to bring enough valentines cards for everyone else. Not only did I get fewer than those around me, I also didn't get the quantity of sticks of gum that the "real" friends got. It was sort of a way for the kids to point out who was *really* their friends.
However, I did get some gum that year, so I wasn't too put out.
I think that was 2nd grade. Much of second grade is a blur to me. We had a pretty teacher, I recall.