Oh, Tep I'm so sorry. Lots of figure-out-what-it-is-and-fix-it~ma. That sounds so so frustrating. I see nothing wrong with going to bed after all that.
Katie Bee! Yes, I guess I am recently jobbed, though the contract runs out this Friday and I will be
to be done with it. It's not even a terrible job, it's just that I have other and better things to be doing. A friend of mine is starting a business, and I would so much rather be helping her with Pro Forma financial statements and identify her target markets than answer phones and get coffee, y'know?
It's income, though, gotta like that.
Get better and enjoy V-day ~ma, sj.
Teppy, tons of ~ma to your father and you. I am so sorry.
sj, you take some ~ma, too, so that you can have the Valentine's Day that you deserve.
I am more worried about school; I am just more whiny about the Valentine's Day thing. I think I might have to drop at least one class if I miss school tomorrow.
Teppy, figure it out ~ma to you and your father. I hope they get it worked out soon, and the doctors figure out where they've put their sense of humor.
sj, I hope you rest well, and that's all you need to be ready to rock the test and celebrate a good V-day with Dave.
Hearing the other and better things, oh my yes. Hate job boredom very much. Setting up friend's business sounds ever so much more interesting, whatever it may be.
sj, I know it's a drag to be sick, especially for Valentine's, but hey! Think of the glorious raincheck you and Teacup Guy can plan for. Looking to the future can be sweet.
I would totally have laughed at the Alien Baby line. Tummy~ma to your Dad from one who's been there with the ouch.
Will worry about Cass until I read her pixels again. Thinking would love to hear story.
Typing as if shorthand could save me some time for the project I'm actually working on. Two years isn't that long to dither, right???
Thanks everyone. I think the tylenol has kicked in to maybe let me sleep, so to bed I go.
Oh, and Katie Bee -- when I read your post about your evil ex-boss and the Case of the Unfairly Deducted Paycheck, all I could do was laugh and laugh and laugh.
I'm going to attempt to convey our royal amusement at their expense, you betcha.
Hope you'll get some good rest tonight, Steph. It's so tiring to provide support during health issues. I'll be your distant friend in going to the hospital tomorrow. It's pretty much going to be a social call on MIL, who's had a second knee surgery. I will try to bring good cheer and knitting and try mightily to conceal how very much I do not want to be there.