Why, why, why do I read the letters to the editor at Salon? I was doing really well with the not-reading, and my life was absolutely jolly. Then I fall off the wagon, and I come across this response to a brief squib in one of the Salon blogs about that SSRI's during pregnancy study (I'm only posting the last paragraph because I don't want Bitches the world over to get hand lacerations from putting their fists through their monitors):
i'm going to be super crass here--but if you are on meds and got pregnant on purpose, fuck you. i don't care if your meds might harm the fetus, you shouldn't be fucking pregnant anyway. take care of yourself first before you bring another human into this world and screw the kid up with your "baggage". that's the responsible thing to do.
Fuck you, you heartless ignorant harpy fuckbucket. I wrote a much, much more polite and restrained response, but oh, that's what I wish I'd written. Can they please for God's sake please go back to the editors-screen-all-the-letters-first format?