I have heard of people substituting apple sauce for fat in baked goods. I don't know if that appeals to you at all.
Bless you! Yes, I've heard that too - and one CAN buy apple sauce in several of the shops here, but unsweetened apple sauce is not available. Which makes it a bit pointless in the cutting-down-fat-and-or-sugar stakes. I'm hoping that canned pumpkin will work, or possibly fat-free yogurt - I bought Betty Crocker Brownie mix last night, and plan to mix it with diet coke and cinnamon and powdered coffee, and maybe some porridge oats, and pop the mixture into paper bun-cases to make a low fat chocolatey treat. And freeze most of them. And then I think maybe French Vanilla cake mix with canned pumpkin and some spices, and maybe grated carrots, to make a sort of low fat carrot cake type thing. Which could be iced with Fat Free Philadelphia and lemon and Sugar Substitute. Maybe.
Um. Sorry, I'm making myself hungry here.
Anyway, in the ongoing saga of me and the computer, the four of us who've found ourselves freshly uncomputered have migrated to the library, where there are many computers. 'Course, we no longer have access to our MS Outlook Express Inboxes, so any important messages had better be hand delivered, but I'm good with that.
And next week? Looks like I'm being moved to a new job. No longer will I be a sub, but instead I'll be the Resources Teacher - which means I'll be taking over from the lady who's doing that job currently (and who's going to be moving to teach Grade 5, since the Grade 5 teacher has left); it basically consists of teaching wee groups of 1-4 kids from Grades 3-5 who need extra support with what they're doing in class. I think it should be pretty good, and I'll have my own classroom and computer, which is nice too. I'm looking forward to being able to plan my days and knowing what I'm doing, and it'll be nice having some kind of continuity - but I'll miss what I'm doing now, funnily enough.
I'm so glad that the Head asked me to help her with something that I felt I could say yes to. I really didn't want to be put in the position of having to refuse (which I would have done for the Grade 5 class) and thus causing bad blood, type of thing.
PCOS...it's "completely treatable."
I'd love to know more about this. I was eventually diagnosed with PCOS, after more blood tests and 'ooh, we don't really know' than you could shake a stick at. And they said there was sod all they could do about it. Happily my hair stopped falling out before I had to resort to wearing a wig (but I bought one, and it was looking depressingly close), and it's gradually thickened up to maybe 3/4 of its original hairbrush-breaking thickness, which is fantastic. Whether this was down to the Chinese Medicines that my mother's GP-cum-alternative therapist prescribed, or just my body doing its thing, I have no idea.