Yay Hec! I hope I said congrats in the music thread when it was announced that you'd be writing for 33 1/3, but if not, congrats, and yay for the arrival of the contract!
YAY Allyson! That so rocks!
I've been pimping AmyLiz's new book to friends also. I'm going to need a bigger bookshelf.
Apartment-ma to the Miracleborns, and next time I buy a car in LA, I will buy from your BMW dealership and make them give you the commission, Aimee, not whatever arm-wavy plaid-wearing salesman asks me what it's going to take to get me into this baby.
I smell of Lush's Black Pearl. Which is curranty and num. I can't pull up the page on it cause of connectivity issues though.
I am wearing Black Pearl also - it was a frimp with my last (first!) order. My DH, who hates all perfumes in general and especially hates them on me, has decided that there are at least 5 BPAL scents I can wear, and one I should wear always.
koff, koff
Heya lovelies. Am still sick, but am also insane enough to go on my regular rounds, with the added twist of following my friend Nikki around because she was depressed and needed to see her peeps. After N went home, I went and heard the last bit of the jazz @ Grant & Green (my regular). I do love my nabe. Also, I got to see the last bit of the Man United match. Fantastic.
I think I'm getting $2.50 and a box of Krispy Kremes, Aimee.
Ooh! I spent the day in Sydney rocking hard at a work seminar. People either side of me on the plane home had loaded up with the Krispy Kremes.
ION, I like the Battlestar Galactica theme music.
I. Am. Screwed.
I just checked my student financial account to see if my excess check had been cut yet.
It has. It's for $300, when it's supposed to be for $1300. Why? Because Continuing Ed did not apply the Purchase Order from Mass Rehab to my account, so the class I'm taking with Continuing Ed got taken out of my loan money.
I'm sure I can get it fixed with a lot of yelling at the right people, but that means I'm not getting that check this week like I was counting on.
Why can't this stuff be easy and work the way it's supposed to???? I do my part, and they still fuck it up.
Oh, crap vw. Good luck with this.
Ditto askye. Courage, love.
Yay Hec!
Yay meara, with the date-having!
...and now I want Krispy Kremes. Damn you, wee billy!
shakes tiny fist
I like the BSG music too. And I had a total geekgasm when they played the themetune from the original show at the big "Happy Retirement!" bash for Adama in the Miniseries. Total. Geekgasm. But I'm glad we've got the new music instead.
I seem to have developed a stammer.
SA and brenda - I hope your evening is showing massive improvement.
Well, I slept for twelve hours, so that was something.
Fay! Hello!
vw! That sucks! And it's happened to me before! I hope it gets resolved.
Now I want Krispy Kremes.
I wouldn't have thought anything could make me look forward to shelling out over a grand to have a root canal later this week: last night's godawful tooth pain that nothing seemed to dent did the trick. Up all night, rotating between Advil, aspirin, and Tylenol 3s, none of which did a god damn thing. I think I finally slept about 5 or so, but I'm up again now.
Oh, Brenda. You beat me in the "oh my god my day sucked balls" game.