Aimee - Cindy is quite wise. As I was catching up on posts, I was going to add much of the same. And the sleeping is usually a good thing. It gives the body a chance to shut down and heal itself.
While some (ok, few) of those nicknames for C have merit, I'm going to stick with C. It is easier to type and while I might call her something close to one of those, it is not something that translates well in writing.
The other option is to just call her MotorMouth, as anyone who has spent any time around her can attest. We are working on the dominating the conversation thing and the appropriate time for certain topics thing. Oh, and the volume control thing.
I have to decide if I am going for a scholarship opportunity at Oxford or not. It would be a lot of work to get prepared. I kind of waited till the last minute. But, OXFORD!
Welcome to the world Olivia Rose!!!
Not here.
t waves
Who stole my motivation? I happen to need it, thank you very much.
Trudy, yeah, I saw those. Herself put up a link in lj. Although Munch on a valentine is truly hilarious, I think my fave was Fin's "I'm on Your Tail."
I cracked up.
Poor Aimee, Em, and MM.
I am not feeling well. I need to try to plug through this day. Ugh. Someone entertain me.
Also, it's FREEZING here at work.
I just found out that Dr. Katz, Profession Therapist, season 1 will be released on DVD on May 9! Is that at all entertaining?
Ok. Head getting worse. I switched bags today, because my other bag broke. Left the migraine meds in other bag.
I suck.
you don't suck, migraines suck.