Legal papers signed for C (who was stumping for a new board nickname, btw)
Whoot. What shall we call C? Were new ideas proferred?
Not knowing the original meaning, craxy in my brain translates to crack/crazy in my head.
Cause you have poetry in your soul. Or perhaps I just have adrenaline in my veins.
C tried out Choo and Chew and Chewy. All were soundly rejected by the adults present.
Gift for my uncle who will also be in Portland:
How to Dress for Every Occasion by The Pope.
He's kinda a priest. Figure he could use the tips.
Nothing wrong with Chewy! It was my son's nickname as a baby, it's the Mexican nick for Jesse/Jesus.
I like Chessie. I have fond memories of riding the Chesapeake and Ohio ferry across lake Michigan and the mascot was adorable.
X-Post from Natter:
Fellow parents: When a child has a stomach bug, and hasn't eaten anything of substance, and is unable to keep anything down including water and PediaLyte, is it normal for them to sleep more soundly than they have in weeks?? She's breathing, she's warm, but she so deeply asleep, it's kind of unnerving.