For some reason I didn't get much in the way of big cities on mine. I really expected Seattle to score higher. Oh well.
I think Find Your Spot handicaps Seattle for some reason. I've taken it TRYING to get Seattle for the heck of it, and it's never happened. Those HATERS!
If we were to buy a house out there, I'd probably follow the lead of most of my co-workers out there - buy in Jersey. Plus, Philly has no sales tax!
Jersey has some seriously good public schools. In a couple of years that'll be like having a 15,000 raise.
Yay Olivia Rose and family!
can't even walk to the park, to the local convience store
Nope. Can't do any of those. Everything requires driving.
WELCOME OLIVIA ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before I even had a chance to pick my date in the birth pool!
Hmm, a list of other relocation options: [link]
You can even do it by astrology. Which now I am tempted to try... [Wankers. It's a fee thing. I assume, at least, since it won't give it to me.]
Congrats Cashmere!
Second baby, 9 days early (counting from MY baby pool guess) - my second did that to me too.
I'm so happy for you!!!