You would be, after all, moving to a place with lots of winter
er not so much with the whole global warming thing. And, we are talking about MICHIGAN natives here, right? Philly winter I'm thinking won't phase them much at all.
and way too many Eagles and Phillies fans (the meanest fans in all of sports).
HEY! Some of my relatives and closest friends are Philadelphia sports fans (because I grew up 1/2 an hour away in Wilm. DE) and they are totally nice people!
I need people who smile back at me as they walk past.
Baltimore (in the city itself not in the surrounding 'burbs), BY FAR, is the place this has happened to me the most in all the places I've lived (suburban DE, Boston, SF, small city NC).
Aimée, I'm excited you have something to be excited about! Whatever your ultimate decision is, it's nice to know you're not stuck where you are.
My main experiene with Philly was going to punk rock shows and to hang on South Street in the 80s. And to the museums when I was in school and now when my nieces come to visit. Philly has ROCKING museums!
I hear you on suburbia, Aimee. I've tried urban, and though it has many advantages, it's not for me. I've only been to Philly once, the year the World's Fair was in Knoxville, so I must have been around 13, but it seemed very clean and full of history.
And to think some people like Baltimore for the crime rate!
No, I'm kidding. It's just how we "met".
I need people who smile back at me as they walk past.
If that's what you're going for, come to Atlanta. The smiling unnerves visitors.
but it seemed very clean and full of history.
haha..not so much with the clean generally. But, definitely, full of well-preserved history!
If that's what you're going for, come to Atlanta. The smiling unnerves visitors.
Drove me crazy when I first moved there.
I would think "So early to be stoned," but that's just me.
One day I should visit, though. Lots of Atlanta cyber-bunkies.
Find Your Spot thinks I should move to Corvallis or Eugene, OR.
Suits me fine.
Closer to our familes in Michigan, but far enough that my MiL isn't going to jump in her car and show up.
This was exactly what I was thinking, but wasn't about to post because, well, I'm not you. But I do remember you talking recently about both (a) missing the close family connections, and (b) being driven slightly nuts by weird family dynamics, miscommunications, total lack of communication, etc. Philly seems like a good place to be close enough for regular connections, yet far enough for solid boundaries.