Including the cranberry and hibiscus juice, unsweetened cranberry juice and fizzy water concoction I am drinking.
Yum Punch! I'm not allowed to go to Trader Joe's until I use some of their jarred sauces I've been collecting in my pantry. It's a self-imposed restriction. I have no will power when I go there. I want one of everything.
Happy birthday (yesterday) Anne!
((beth)) Best wishes to you and Matt.
It's good to hear that Matt got some rest on his trip. {{Beth}} You and yours are in my thoughts.
Happy Birthday Anne!
beth, I'm glad Matt got in safely. I hope you got back to sleep. I am holding a good thought for his mom, and for all of you.
I got some more sleep. matt called. he got to the hospital just before she went into surgery ( they may have found the source of the infection) Matt said she perked right up when she saw him - so all this last minute travel seems to be worth it.
Oh, Beth, thoughts to you and Matt.
This is my last day in Guatemala. I'm in Antigua, which I *love,* and I don't want to leave.
General poll: what did you do after you graduated college?
Matt said she perked right up when she saw him - so all this last minute travel seems to be worth it.
Beth, I'm so glad he got to see her before surgery. I hope everything goes ok and they can control the infection.
All kinds of ~ma for Beth, Matt and Matt's family. Heaps of healing~ma for Matt's mom.
I think I forgot to wish Anne a Happy Birthday yesterday. Eek. Happy brand new year of your life, Anne! (P.S. Indulge in a nap.)
Yay for finished paper, MG. Hoping you (and Sail) got some sleep.
Today is my 8th day without smoking. The little stat thing on Quitnet says that in those 8 days I've NOT smoked 184 cigarettes and I've saved almost $30. Huh.
The number of cigarettes I haven't smoked is cool for me to see. Saved money, nsm. I've probably spent at least that much on the Commit lozenges that I didn't even use and the eight billion pounds of hard candy that's almost gone.
General poll: what did you do after you graduated college?
Graduate school.
After grad. school, the job hunt.
I'm glad you're enjoying Antigua, SA.
I think I forgot to wish Anne a Happy Birthday yesterday.
Me, too. Oops. Happy (belated) Birthday, Anne!
Today is my 8th day without smoking. The little stat thing on Quitnet says that in those 8 days I've NOT smoked 184 cigarettes and I've saved almost $30. Huh.
That's pretty cool. Keep up the good work, Nicole!