Had job interview today.
Went well. Probably would have been better with ~ma. Should have asked.
Oh well.
On my way there, I noticed people don't respect my right-of-way as well as they do when I'm driving my decommissioned squad car.
I think I should make up a bumper sticker that says "My other car is a squad" and put it on the minivan.
I need to apologize to Hubby for snapping at him. But I don't feel apologetic.
I need to apologize to Hubby for snapping at him. But I don't feel apologetic.
Are you supposed to wait until you feel like it? Or rather if it is something that is honor-bound shouldn't you do it because it is right?
t /philosophical-like
Are you supposed to wait until you feel like it?
It makes it sound more believable and less like "I'm only doing this because I'm supposed to," which often causes more problems than it solves.
Either way, if you know you need to, might as well take a deep breath and do it with conviction. [eta: but when you actually *do* mean it. Otherwise, you have to do it all over again later.]
Loading *all* my music onto the iPod is taking for.ev.er. and a day. I want it to be done so I can go run a hot bath, throw in a bomb and melt to some good tunes.
In the meantime, I am eating paneer in tikki masala over rice. Gods I lurve Trader Joe's. Not one ingredient came from elsewhere. Including the cranberry and hibiscus juice, unsweetened cranberry juice and fizzy water concoction I am drinking.
Cass, can you jump on IM for a sec?
It makes it sound more believable and less like "I'm only doing this because I'm supposed to," which often causes more problems than it solves.
Yeah, it's good to have credibility on your side.
Thanks fo rthe ma~~ it seems to help Matt a lot.( and me) I took him to the airport where he is concentrating on the fact that he doesn't want to go back to the cold.
Beth - the flow of ~ma is an amazing thing, isn't it?
I am halfway through my paper that is due tonight. I am the master of procrastination. Blah, blah, Monroe Doctrine, blah, blah, South dependent on cotton crops, blah, blah, sectionalism, blah, blah.
Somebody please hunt down my brain and put it back in my head.
Beth, my thoughts are with you and Matt.