Oh, man, the full pictures are even more disturbing. Freckly Boy and Pork 'n' Beans Boy, in particular, look like they're enjoing a brief and delightful palate cleanser in between their merry meals of spicy, spicy brains.
Also, if I ever, ever feel the smallest desire to return to meat-eating, the full portrait of Ham Shortcakes with Pea Sauce will turn me right back around again.
Bundles of -ma to Jilli, beautifully wrapped and decorated with strands of Dior goth pearls and glittery sprinkles of professionalism and hiring desirability.
Yay for Beej and Erin having good dates. Whether the dates blossom into anything else is a secondary issue because, Hello!, good dates are not the norm. Seriously. Today alone I have heard horror stories from three co-workers that went on dates this weekend. Yes, I giggled, but that's hardly the point. Erin and Beej are very brave and were rewarded for their bravery. Good onya.
That is my story and I am sticking to it. I also know to lawyer up if questioned about my unplanned clumsiness that resulted in the scattering of ashes in a beloved location. Twice.
Cass - I've BTDT with my grandparents, as well. Also a couple of dogs that have passed on. Different location than yours but same type of situation. Oops! But I'm glad it was a lovely day.
Steph, yay for BigBoss!
{{{MG}}} & {{{Juliana}}}
Lots and lots of interview~ma for Jilli who has no reason to be nervous because she's JILLI!
Also, if I ever, ever feel the smallest desire to return to meat-eating, the full portrait of Ham Shortcakes with Pea Sauce will turn me right back around again.
I dunno, the all vegetable "Peas in potato boats" looks like it takes the Ipecac award to me, though the "Luncheon meat with pineapple" is the most vile looking meat dish I've seen since the movie RAVENOUS.
Yay good dates!
So I put an "I Saw You" ad on craigslist for that girl from Friday night. I just got an email from some OTHER girl named Lisa who was at the bar, saying "could this be me??" Sigh.
And, I'm in the Norfolk airport, bitter because my computer is jealous of my TiVo-love, and won't play my Grey's Anatomy DVD.
Wendy Wasserstein
That's so sad, and too young, but my first thought was "didn't she just have a kid a few years ago? The poor baby!!" (And indeed, she had a kid 7 years ago)
Not. clicking. on. bad. food. pics.
The greatest benefit of being in the date whirlwind is that I can't eat more than 4 or 5 bites of anything in a day. My stomach just won't accept food! Funny how adrenaline will do that for you.
Thanks for the good thoughts Nic. Oddly, 'reward' was exactly the word I used.
~~~ma for Jilli.
Today alone I have heard horror stories from three co-workers that went on dates this weekend.
I could tell you the horror story from my Friday date....
Interview-ma for Jilli and a good day to juliana!
I just spent most of the morning helping to clean my mom's electric range. The guys had the worst of it, because of the unbelievable yutz they found behind and beneath it. I'm wishing blessings on their heads, every one, because they'd gotten the top of it and the counter next to it completely clean before I even got there to help. I went away with all the burners, drip pans and rings in a bucket of degreaser, and scrubbed a while on those. One of the burners needs replaced, but the others should work fine, now that they're clean. We still haven't reset the circuit breaker, though. And we may not, unless we can agree to supervise whatever cooking Mom attempts. There will be stealth attacks on the rest of the countertops and the cabinets in the next few weeks, during the early morning hours when she's sleeping, too. When it's done we'll all breathe a little easier.
We have Stephanie's weather. I should get outside and do something.
Oh, I meant to say that the scary kids and food photos gave me flashbacks. I think Sunbeam bread still uses one of those devil children on its wrappers.
And Yay! for Steph's Big!boss. The human body and spirit are, quite frequently, amazing.
interview-ma for Jilli!
It's about sixty degrees and sunny here, too. We went out for lunch even though my head cold is still lingering. Owen doesn't want to nap today for some odd reason.
I could tell you the horror story from my Friday date....
Is this the Other Irish Guy?