Bwah! I think I hurt myself laughing at the notion of date boy offending Erin with raunchy stories. I'm so happy to hear fun was had.
And Beej! It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Sorry about the complications. Good to find out the complexity at this point.
Fort Myers Florida
So near and yet so far away. 150 miles from me, but only 20 miles from my family. If I didn't have such a crazy busy week I would pop over and see the folks and get a drink with you at Fort Myers Beach. Stupid work.
What a perfectly lovely day Cass. The comfortable mutually supportive relationship you have with your parents is so important through this transition. I'm grateful that Lori took me to Joshua Tree so that I am able to picture you there. (Hee, you silly clumsy thing)
Cass, I 'm so happy you and your family had a good day.
I have just made our ticekt reservations for London/Scotland for a week in March. It will be a tough trip (dealing with medical stuff, etc, with Tom's mother) but hopefully we will be able to connect with his friends and family while over there, and at least get a little face time.
Gronk. Class about to start. TIRED.
But I can go to sleep early tonight.
Must teach now. Just hearing about vw's morning makes me tired.
'morning everyone.
Cass--How lovely. I can just imagine Joshua Tree (a truly beautiful place) gladly accepting your gran into its peace and timelessness. Bless you all.
Yay Erin! I'm with you on the passage of the nervous nauseousness. AND, you have more fun on tap. Good on ya.
Thanks for the good thoughts on my own dateage.
I'm definitely open to giving Fella a chance and Laura speaks what I thought about the whole thing. Better to know the complexity now. I just wish I'd known that particular piece of intel a couple of days before the fact. In the space between Sunday and Thursday, those two phone calls could have been her and to me.
Sail, I've never been the kind who can juggle a string of beaus. I admire those who can. I've just never been good at that sort of thing.
In this particular case I didn't feel like it was 'serious' enough to warrant having any say over what Fella does with his romantic life. But it is my business how I manage my own. So yeah. Truth is good.
We talked more last night. It was a wee bit awkward at first, but we worked it through. Interestingly, we both brought up the 'metaphoric' nature of what is happening and I offered a metaphoric 'quest' to help us find resolution. He seemed really into it. But first, getting his stuff together is a priority.
Phew. Life. It rocks.
Gronklies. I've already taught one class this morning, and I've got two more to go. I was planning to use this time in between classes to get some paperwork stuff done, but it hasn't really happened yet.
Morning. Getting ready to go to work. Am dealing with depression that has suddenly cropped up - maybe as a result of having to return to "real life" and the consequences/fuckedupness thereof. Also, maybe because I am sick. Could be both. Whee.
juliana, which location are you working at? I'd be happy to hop on the N Judah and meet you for lunch, if that'd help.
good luck, juliana. I hope your first day is less stressful than your gut/brain is thinking it will be.
I hope your day goes well juliana.