It's like they need to have a pitcher warming up in the bullpen just in case they need to pull their current pitcher from the game.
That, I don't mind. If the first pitcher really blows it, you pull him and move on with the next one. You just don't go back to that first pitcher.
No, the one's I could never understand were the ones that juggled 2 or 3 people
at the same time.
I tried it once and it was just so screwed up I never did it again. I was always afeared of what happened to Beej happening to me, only with me in the role of the fella. It was just too stressful and I decided I wasn't the type to juggle. One at a time is enough.
What does one wear to a 70's roller skating party?
I'm thinking knee socks, satin shorts, and a T-shirt with an iron-on decal. Oh! And feather earrings and blue eye shadow.
I've possibly seen Boogie Nights too many times.
What does one wear to a 70's roller skating party?
Halter tops and hot pants. Bell-bottoms and peasant blouses. A little tie-dye, maybe.
I think I'm getting this for Joe. [link]
And - a big ole afro wig. pants. Let me rephrase - what does one a size 16 wear to a 70's roller skating party? I was thinking faded jeans rolled up, cable knit knee socks and a decal t-shirt.
Beej, I am glad you had a fun few nights, and I hope that things work out for the best, whatever that is.
I put off grocery shopping so long, that Dave got here in enough time to carry the really heavy stuff up the stairs for me. Yay procrastination! We have a lovely dinner of spinach/lemon pesto on ziti and a salad of feta, currants, honey roasted cashews, and mixed greens. Dave is now reading a book he stole from me, so I thought I would catch up here for a few minutes.
Mm, that salad sounds yummy, sj!
I have to be on a plane in 7 hours, which means waking up in 5. But I slept in until 1pm today. That was poor planning, I tell ya...
Mm, that salad sounds yummy, sj!
Thanks. Oh, and there were apples in it too. I knew I was forgetting something. Dave is always bragging about my salads, which is kind of silly to me considering how easy they are to put together.
I have to be on a plane in 7 hours
But you were just on a plane. Before you did your lame drive to W.Virginia.
Emmett and I did wood carving tonight.
Also JZ did laundry and dishes were done. We're ready for the week.
ha. I scared some girls at the library by telling them about blue eyeshadow. I'm not sure they didn't think I was lying....
I very briefly dated two guys at once while at college. It was silly, crazy an dfun, but one was very serious and the other very frivilous - neither one was right for me. bu t- I might have been 20.