I hate my post office so fucking much right now.
The phone number printed on the "Sorry we missed you!" notice is out of service. The phone number I was given when I called the 1-800 number, also out of service. The phone number listed on the web site? Is a fax line.
As I was unable to speak to anyone personally, I placed four redelivery requests online for this package. All were ignored -- they didn't try to redeliver once. And when I went to place another one today, I was informed that the package had been returned to the sender.
(I sent them a nasty complaint email, and an apologetic email to calendars.com asking them to re-ship my order.)
Go, Laura!!!
Jessica, that is RIDICULOUS! I'm so sorry.
HELLO, Bitches! I've missed you the last couple of days. I've been so busy, I've barely had time to stop by. Hugs and kisses to everyone!
I just got an e-mail thank you note from my cousin's new baby...with a picture of him sleeping covered with the blanket I crocheted him. It's just about the cutest thing ever.
sj, I'm seeing you in a new and different job with people who are not assholes. It's a better picture. That last job sucked.
Thanks, Hec. I hope you're right.
I have been having the vivid upsetting dreams too lately. I woke up a couple times last night in a complete panick because of what I was dreaming about.
Ooh, Jessica, that is EVIL. The Post Office is FUCKED UP--when I called the 800 number to get my local post office's number, they didn't HAVE it. Nor could they tell me which local post office was actually *mine*--they didn't know! Ridiculousness.
Next time we're together we will have to do flirting lessons meara.
No, see...normally I'm Super!Flirt. One time in college my friends gave me ANTIflirting lessons, cause I needed them.
But somehow, she came and talked to me and I just was NOT following through, cause I'm a MORON. Sigh. I really hope she reads craigslist, but I'm somehow doubting it'll be that easy.
I uploaded the picture if anyone wants to take a look at either the cutie baby or the blankie: [link]
Ooof. I just fielded an hour-long phone call from my Dad, who's been having severe stomach pain for a month. He got test results back that he has
blood in his stool,
and, understandably, he's worried that it's colon cancer.
I don't think he's any less worried after our conversation, but I talked him through other potential causes. Given that he's had severe stomach pain for a month, has had bad acid reflux for years, and has been taking aspirin every day for over 10 years for his heart -- and based on a quick Google of medical sites -- it sounds like a bleeding ulcer. He has almost every symptom. And a bleeding ulcer isn't something to rejoice over, but it's better than cancer.
He's just really frustrated that things keep going wrong with his health. Understandably so. It's just hard for me to not feel like it's my responsibility to make everything better.
Steph, I totally understand. It is a difficult place to be when you can't just "kiss it all better".
Yesterday was a very rough day for my mom, health-wise, but today seems to be better. I'm the only one in the house who is able to deal when things are bad and I feel like an automaton cause if I let myself feel, I'd fall apart.
I've missed so much in the last few days, let's see if I can catch up a little.
Health~ma to beth's MiL.
{{Jon B.}} My condolences to you and your family.
Deena, that sounds like really great news about Aidan! And it is very hard to tell when they say "developmentally disabled" just how much and for how long it's going to be. I think you doing wonderful, being practical about working with Aidan's strengths and working on his weaknesses. You are a great mom.
Cindy, you sound a lot like me. I have to be very careful with my caffeine intake because it will set off panic attacks. I can only drink one caffeinated drink a day anymore or by 8 in the evening I'm hyperventilating and shaky as hell. I miss my fully leaded coffee, but it's not worth the ickies.
Nicole, you're cigarette free! Rock on, chica!
Beej, hope the second date went well, too. At least you've made the effort to get back in the dating pool! It's like riding a bike, you never really forget, but you may be a little wobbly at first.
ChiKat, hope you don't have anymore dreams like that last one. Ugh.
And since I didn't do the meara thing and post all the little snippets on notepad, if I've missed anyone who needed, or even just thought about asking but didn't, hugs and hairpats, then I prostrate myself profusely and offer much glitter and chocolate in recompense.
IOmeandnotsomeN, my son is married to his darling new wife. She is three months pregnant, so it looks like I'm getting a bonus gift with purchase here. The ceremony, done by a judge in his chambers, was intensely moving and I could barely hold back my tears. I did, however, so I could bravely soldier on and take pictures of the wedding. Enjoy!
::huggles all the Bitches::
Oooooh, sparkly thread. Thank you, Laura.
Awwww...Such pretty pics, SailAweigh! Congratulations!