Owen's learning to yell. I can hear him upstairs hollering "GREEN! YEWO!" Looks like it's time to start teaching about "inside voices".
C's dad signed his part of the guardian ship papers, saying he recommends us.
Good news, MG. I hope all goes well.
((((Cass)))) Peace to you and your family. It's never easy, but it sounds as though it was as good as all of you could make it, and sweet release and peace for your grandmother.
MG, I'm glad it went well.
Thanks, Laura. it's good to be seen.
Cass, other folks have said it better than I can. Much love to you.
MG, I am utterly confident that C is in excellent hands. You're a wonderful mother, and an all-around fine human being.
Karl! I'm Kermit-waving because I never get to see you either, and I'm glad to.
Other than that, not much going on.
Hi, Karl.
Cass, all best thoughts to you and your family.
Congrats, MG.
Hey, Erika ... this really hot writer chick I know left a story in my inbox ... you know anything about this? ;)
I might...she's got a talent but I think she'd want feedback on her suicide note. Isn't that awful how some people do that? Not everyone is as confident as we are, though.
Love you, Erika. And you too, Beverly. More than I'll ever be able to express.
Off to dinner, now.
MG, that's good news.
Hi, Karl!
hugs intarweb very, very, VERY tightly
I skipped tons. There was threadsucking, but the desire to say hi won out. I am ensconced in my new apartment, completely unpacked, and needing to put things up on the walls and figure out what in the bloody hell to do with all of my books. Not tonight, however. Tonight I'm going to go down to the "aggressively hip" bar that is directly below my apartment and hang out until I can't take the crowding.
*mwah* to all the Bitches.