Harvey found the "empty" ice cream canister I thought I put the cover on and left on the counter....
He must have been a very happy scrap-lickin cat.
I estimate there were probably one or two teaspoons of vanilla cream coating the walls of the container.
Oh well. Not enough to harm his digestion.
The container was going to be rinsed out anyway, so no human enjoyment was lost in the process.
Evanesence, I believe.
I thought Evanescence had a girl singer.
Does it continue to have large swaths shot only in black and white and orange? It certainly made the "the guy is orange" part harder to perceive.
I'm still unclear on why they're breaking into this woman's apartment. But I really like the sick lady. She's cool. They did a good job of making her progressively more sick-looking.
I'm still unclear on why they're breaking into this woman's apartment.
Ooooh! I know this one! It has to do with HAM!!!
I'm still unclear on why they're breaking into this woman's apartment.
They break into everyone's apartment. It's a Thing.
I thought Evanescence had a girl singer.
Huh. Maybe you're getting a different trailer than I've seen. The Tristan & Isolde trailer I've seen with overly earnest singing had what I thought was an Evanesence song playing over it.
Anybody else watch 4 Kings?
I was...underwhelmed.
I saw the pilot a few days ago. I thought it really, really sucked. Poor Seth Green.
Is this a regular thing, that they show us really really disturbing procedures? Cause they just went in to biopsy this boy's retina.
Yes, the ham is the useful end result, but it doesn't explain why they couldn't ask her for the key! If she refused to give them the key because of her secret meth lab, then they could break in. But it's polite to ask...
Heh. I meant to watch it, but was out eating dinner (and didn't TiVo it). All the reviews have basically said "Four Kings sucks, which is a shame cause we like Seth Green". Which is probably small comfort to him.
I'm in Florida, and it is lovely weather. Or maybe it's just the contrast...But the hotel has WIRED internet instead of wireless. So I can't sit on teh bed and watch the TV AND post. I'm so spoiled.