Mine is that I can't get in touch with my mom to get the update on my dad, and I am afraid my boss won't let me take the day tomorrow to see him.
I was just about to ask how you were. I'm glad for the update. I'm sorry that you can't get ahold of your mom.
For me, I just feel out of control. There isn't really anything concrete, besides my emotions. It's just frustrating.
Owen saying his ABC's.
(This "Good Job!" thing is
American. You're almost as cute as Owen. Almost.)
Owen's ABCs -- cutest thing in my itunes!
For me, I just feel out of control. There isn't really anything concrete, besides my emotions. It's just frustrating.
It is very frustrating when there is no concrete reason for feeling the way you do. Is it partially anxiety over the work you have missed or that new project? What can you do to help yourself feel a little more in control right now?
vw, when I get that way I try to focus on the now. I ask myself "Are you safe now? Is anything threatening you now?" And if the answer is no, I try to let that soak in. That I'm okay in the moment. Try to break things down into little bits and deal only with the bits you need to right now. The other stuff is just worrying about the future and when it's unproductive worrying (that is, it's not anything helping you develop rational plans but rather stuff that's making you panic and feel out of control), there's no point to it. Just focus on what's immediately on your plate.
That's what kinda works for me, anyway. I hope you feel better soon.
The sky here is BLUE, and there is no water falling from it.
Substitute Alameda County and yeah. I'm bummed that I'm home sick today. I don't feel quite up to taking a walk outside and enjoying it.
I don't feel quite up to taking a walk outside and enjoying it.
Can you drag a chair outside to sit in the sun for a bit? I'm going to walk downtown to Pegasus and buy calendars in about 15 minutes to enjoy some of that sunshine.
{{vw}} what Spidra said.
Ooh, you must live locally! I used to do that Pegasus calendar run religiously.
I dunno. I still haven't eaten. Maybe I should go out to a cafe so I don't have to deal with cooking and dishes...nah.
See the thing about dragging the chair outside is that all I'm wearing is a t-shirt right now. I haven't gotten out of bed except for necessaries.
The sky here is BLUE, and there is no water falling from it.
Blue? I don't think it comes in that color around here.
open a window Spidra
vw, It is not unexpected that today is wildly unpredictable. That's ok. the upthread advice - are you safe now? is the best place to start. can youdo one small thing to make it better?