but we really have a SooperSekrit plan to wean my girls off the Shaven Brows Path.
That's a good plan. Tell them that some mornings, it's just more important to have extra time to devote to properly-applied eyeliner.
Even Jilli is growing her eyebrows back. Which decision I applaud because it gives me something else to admire about Jilli aside from her steady drawing hand.
Awww, you flatterer. (And goodness, I don't even remember mentioning that I was growing them back, so I'm impressed with your attention-paying.)
Nora, that's wonderful news!
And, as always, ~ma to anyone who feels they need it right now.
I'm surprised she is not packing the red boa.
Red boa is really more of a two-night accessory (I am tempted to put one of them winky bits here. I won't. But I am tempted.)
I just flicked powder and some light lipstick on. I call it "dressing for dinner" since it's pretty much all jammies, all the time here.
Nora, great news!
Hey, did anyone watch the 9:30 Scrubs ep? Who is the actor who played Sam? I can't place him and imdb is giving me no love....
Jesus H. Christ. My town has two middle schools. At the one my kids didn't go to, the PE teacher has just been arrested for videotaping girls changing clothes.
Jesus, that must have sent a jolt through your heart.
Oh, damn, Betsy. How utterly creepy. I'm so glad for your family's sake that it was the other school, but, damn, all those other kids, all those other families... oh, how fucking creepifying.
Yikes! and Yikes again! That's scary.
Egads! Not enough 'eeewwww' in the world. JZ is right, creepifying is the word.