this morning has inspired us to have a Francofun day. I think we'll be eating salad nicoise for late lunch, and burgundy and stinky cheese by evening. Accordion music is already playing. We could go down to Cafe Claude and get Lillet or some aperitif. Maybe check out the pretty French Catholic church nearby. (An ex commented on flavors of Catholocism thusly: "I prefer the French approach to Catholocism. They're not in it for the guilt; they're only in it for the beauty.")
It's good to have a theme for the day. It sharpens thiings up.
The Castro theater is showing
Moulin Rouge
tomorow too which could be a fun outing. I haven't seen it on a big screen since it came out. I think they've got a Busby Berkeley marathon going on today.
Write the letter Trudy. I went to JC Penny's to return something. No tag, but a reciept - they gave me a store credit/gift card - easy - peasy even though they had to go look at something or get a manager approval. but no big deal , no time - an even exchange should have been Easy......
All your Juliana are belong to me.
Ha! not for long, Perkins.
I'm not sure why, but my UPN affiliate is showing the premiere of Farscape. Damn, baby, BB is so fucking hot. As is Zhaan.
I tried to nap in preparation for NYE festivities, but apparently I am not sleepy. So I'm eating cheese and grapes and objectifying Ben Browder.
Okay, which one of you sneaky creatures sent me a package w/ lots of disposable mascara wands AND chocolate? Thank you!
juliana in California! Yay!!!! Welcome sweetness!!!!
Dude, I'm not sure which is the better offer, 1933 World's Fair or the mosquito-netted glory of Emmet room and Hamlet!Mouse.
We were going to put the babies to bed on time, watch a movie together, and then toast the new year with prosecco. Unfortunately, we all have the death bug and I'm staying awake by sheer force of will just until the children fall asleep and then I'm going to sleeeeep.
I love the idea of a french day!
We had brunch with an old college friend of WBB's and his BF and they were the nicest guys EVER. Plus I had eggs benedict, totally yum. We were going to the movies this afternoon, but were having too much fun chatting and laughing and stayed 3 hours, so shelved that 'til tomorrow. Tonight we're staying home and watching old movies, just the two of us. Oh, and doing laundry.