saw a show tonight that we had TIVOed off a&e
Interesting - It took us 3+ hours to watch a 2 hour show, because it kept makeing us talk. So it was fun, even if really wrong in a few places. But we saw some shots of Mae West that made us do a rewind. I didn't find the exact shot ... but our dear Teppy could do a Mae West with ease.
this onr is not the shot we saw that made us go "Teppy" , but it is close.
Also, I just got an "I'm too pretty to do math" tank top.
While I will enthusiastically confirm Hil's prettiness, I feel I must stand up for my chosen field. The female mathematicians I have known have all been blazingly hot. This may have something to do with my preference for spicy brains.
Joe and I had such a wonderful dinner last night! We went out and left Ellie with the grandparents - she did okay until it was time to nurse and then she sort of melted down. But, she was happy listening to The Killers when we got home.
Lily is adorable. I'm not sure which picture I liked the best because they were all so cute. Also, I was thrilled to see another baby with as many clothing changes as Ellie. I'd been feeling a bit silly, but it's hard to get these babies in all their cute dresses before the end of the holidays. I love Lily in her red/black dress.
juliana, I'm hoping you are praparing to leave this very moment. The Twin Cities will miss you, but I'm happy these 12 days are over and you are moving on to a new beginning.
Urgh. I got woken up, as usual, by the cats, but this morning I think they were afraid of the bad rain storm we are having and hungry, instead of their usual hungry now.
I hope Juliana doesn't have any trouble getting here.
Happy new year, everyone.
Happy New Year, billytea!
Lily is ADORABLE. Just too cute for words. So many cute dresses and fun shots. And her mommy isn't too bad either :).
I've already put away groceries (delivered) and am dressed. Now to start cleaning. Not so much with the wanting to do that. But, tonight I'm going to a New Years Eve party. Now, this might not sound like a big deal, but it kind of is. The last several years new year's eve has been difficult for me, so it's kind of a big step for me to want to go out. I've even got a pretty dress, thanks to Emily. We've got the zipcar reserved, and we'll be off somewhere around 9 tonight. Yay!