That IS the plan! I was so happy it fit, and fits gorgeously. I'll definitely try that website again.
I have to call and make an appt. to het Cosmo fixed. I wanted to do it over break so I could be nice to her and get her in and out ASAP. Poor lil kitty.
Erin, you'll be so hawt in that dress.
Thanks for all the compliments - I think I giggled like a girl when I opened the box.
I have succeeded in sewing. I believe it is a good thing I did not attempt to do so on my own, as Daniel was key to my sanity and to the safety of the machine. By myself I would have likely thrown it through a wall in frustration. Howsomever it is now wearing the cute if not terribly skillfully made cover which I decided should be my first project.
At half past the hour for the last 3-4 hours, we have answered a ringing phone only to be hung up on. I shall be greatly amused if it continues and if it turns out to be harassment by the lying little snake who got Daniel fired. Would not that make for an innnnnnteresting little side note to a wrongful termination suit?
Until now I've never found the need for Caller ID, and have not wished to pay for it. This may change.
Rats, turns out it's the student loan people.
That's funny, DCJ & WS. I've been getting a suspicious lot of hang-up calls, the kind where there's a long pause before the disconnect.
Dear Family and Friends in Michigan:
If you want us to come there so badly next month, buy us a freaking ticket.
Otherwise, Shut It.
Ta, ever so....
PS - Everytime someone asks us when we are moving back, it gets bumped back 6 months. Right now, it's looking like 2026.
I've been getting a ton of calls where no one is there when I answer. I figured it was some sort of new number bug.
Hey, do I have to do the Don't Call sign up again since my number's changed?
You're all so productive! And for once, I am, too - I went over to my parents and helped them make it like it was before we moved in. Mostly just vacuuming, but still.
PS - Everytime someone asks us when we are moving back, it gets bumped back 6 months. Right now, it's looking like 2026.
::hastily emails the entire state of Michigan to make sure everyone asks the Miracleborns at least once how soon they're moving back::
Ok. Back home. Not!Emily "tidied up," which, of course, means I'm not going to be able to find anything, but still...very sweet. I kinda feel badly that I left the place such a mess.
But, I'm about to buckle down and finish Emily's quilt. I am determined to get this done so she can come home to a new quilt on her bed. There will be updates. Just warning you...