Ooh. I was wondering whether her new CD would be good - think you may have just convinced me to go out and buy it, Sean.
Hec, the Zmayhem Family Christmas sounds
They should film it and show it every...well, yeah, you get the gist.
(trying to stifle vast envy wrt Puppet Angel. Flatmate and I laughed ourselves almost incontinent over that episode. The nose being the point at which I totally lost it, and was reduced to an insensible, weeping, aching, hyperventilating wreck on the sofa for at least five minutes straight.)
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and best wishes for whatever year-end festival you celebrate.
I'm going to be sappy and post my favorite Christmas poem, by William Henry "Adirondack" Murray:
Ah, friends, dear friends, as years go on and heads get gray,
how fast the guests do go! Touch hands,
touch hands, with those that stay.
Strong hands to weak, old hands to young,
around the Christmas board, touch hands.
The false forget, the foe forgive, for every guest will go
and every fire burn low and cabin empty stand.
Forget, forgive, for who may say that Christmas day
May ever come to host or guest again. Touch hands!
Fay, if you like dear Kate at all, you must go get it at once. It's quite something wonderful.
Ginger, that is lovely. Damn, I'm getting old.
It's a bit of a most welcome lull. It would be nice to take a nap since I only got maybe 3 hours last night. But if I do that it would be disturbed by the arrival of BIL and family and I would think unkindly of them.
I made 3 lasagnas. Yum. One very meaty, one no meat spinach, one alfredo sause chicken and spinach.
And it is a good thing I didn't lay down because guess who just arrived.
Thanks for the tacklehugs, folks. My family here are doing OK for the most part: it's been a very up-and-down year.
May all the news today be good, for all of us.
Karl! Adds a smooch to the tacklehug.
My Christmas wish came true. BIL's EVIL wife had to work and he arrived with his son but no wife. Yay! Sorry, but her being here never ends well. She would end up fighting with DH and I would be miserable. Yay!
Karl, your wish for us is apparently working so far. How would you feel about wishing for a five-pound box of hundred dollar bills for me? Also, hi, hello, good to see you again.
Yay, Laura, you deserve a lovely stress-free, Evil SiL-free day!
Karl! Good to see you!
Lovely to hear about everyone's festivities.
I couldn't find anywhere to buy potatoes, not even canned, so there will be no latkes tonight. I'm such a grasshopper. I need to get in touch with my inner ant and unpack some more, haven't found teh wireless router yet.
And Laura, if she's evil, I'm glad she isn't there.