(Bless Kristin'n'Drew. Bless bless bless. I mean, I'm VERY sorry about the awfulness of divorce, but I like it when my peeps get together.)
Thanks, Fay. It's pretty darned happy-making, despite the awfulness of divorce.
I'm about to head over to aunt and uncle's house to play golf...no, they don't have a real golf course, but apparently they've rigged some bizarre...oh I don't even know. I'll have to attempt to describe it later once I've actually seen the thing. My aunt is an artist and my uncle is an architect, and you just never know what new and bizarre feature will show up in their house. They have a fully movable smiley face made out of painted tool parts on their garage, just as a for instance.
Anyway, to their house, then to the ranch for dinner. Catch you all later!
OK, we're out of here too- will likely not be back till after Christmas...
So happiest of holidays to all! Mwah!
TImeslies all. Anyone want to send me some christmas cheer ~ma? I have to go spend Christmas with the people that probably inspired the creation of Xander Harris' entire family tree. Or maybe grade ~ma since I'm failing Latin II?
of course, but I'm holding some back...I'll need it tomorrow, the better to avoid a Christmas redball.
Daniel, I'm sorry that happened...it seems like a drastic "solution".
Fay, I'm gonna picture you juggling llamas now...it's kind of a surprising turn-on.
Cheer~ma, Almare. Sorry to hear about the Latin.
I'm off to grocery shop for dinner tomorrow night and cookie baking. All the presents are wrapped, all that really needs to be done is clean the front room for guests tomorrow. Yay! It's been an odd season for me, kinda hard to get into a really hyper-cheery mood myself, but now that I'm off for three days I've been able to relax and just enjoy myself. It feels very nice, so I'm glad to share it with anyone who wants a little.
Hey everyone! All my presents are wrapped, I have baked 3 batches of brownies, and I still have plenty of time to look pretty before Teacup Guy gets here. I hope everyone has a good Christmas Eve!
I still have plenty of time to look pretty before Teacup Guy gets here
Prettier, maybe. Having met you in person and seen any number of pictures of you, I feel qualified to state that pretty is your baseline.
Almare, ~ma to you.
Fay, I am so impressed by the llama-juggling. Know anyone who does... er... juggles... camels? It could be an act. Vegas, baby.
Three batches of brownies? Hang on, I'm on my way.
Merry whatever, everyone.
Having met you in person and seen any number of pictures of you, I feel qualified to state that pretty is your baseline.
Awww. That's a nice Christmas present. Thank you, but I'm a mess right now, covered in chocolate from all the baking.