I just dropped off our gits to our Adopt-A-Family at the Salvation Army.
There was another family there getting their gifts and they just made me cry.
Our office was able to get everything on everyone's list, give gift crads, and grocery store gift certificates of $660.
Single dad of 7.
I am so proud of my co-workers.
gits = gifts
I think that is so cool, Aimee. You work with a bunch of good people.
just dropped off our gits to our Adopt-A-Family at the Salvation Army.
I want to get rid of my gits too!
Go Aimee and Aimee's co-workers. Mine suck. There was still a bunch of stuff left on the giving tree when I left on Tuesday (which was the last day for it). I did what I could. I wish I could have done them all.
Go Aimee's co-workers! That's wonderful!
vw, would you mind emailing me a copy of your radical acceptance paper? I'd love to read it.
In fifteen minutes my life will have meaning again.
Yay for paper finishing. Sorry if I was too forceful about it.
note to Aimee: Owen can say, "camel" now. He's fascinated with exotic animals for some reason.
Also, we just picked up the new minivan. Meep. It's so damn clean.