Of course, if we got to select where our tax money went, it would only be people who paid taxes who would get to "vote", and the opinion of people paying higher taxes would weigh more heavily.
And that would be different how?
My cynical nature wanted me to make this same post. But then my idealistic nature took over, and informed me that someone else was bound to make that post for me....
Also, I want to ban someone from our family's secret santa, because she dropped the ball so badly with Tom's gift. I am FURIOUS with her.
I wonder if thier new site is problematical - DH got my salt celler from them last year - and there were no problems.
Yeah, me too. I wonder if they have a different vendor now?
Someone make me go finish my paper.
Finish your paper now vw. Now, Now!, Now!!
vw - no holiday cookies until the paper is done.
t kicks Nora's relative
Shun her! Shun her, I say!
MOOOOMMMM! Gud scared me!
Anyone watch the Science of the Bible thingie on Nat Geo channel?
I wonder if thier new site is problematical - DH got my salt celler from them last year - and there were no problems.
Not that it makes it easier with people having problems with them but I ordered from them on Friday (I think) and got the package Monday or Tuesday, no problems. I did not get the salt cellar though, for what it's worth.
This afternoon is ENDLESS! Usually we get off early the afternoon before a holiday but I don't think that's happening today. I can't complain really we are getting a 4-day weekend and stuff.
I ordered something Tuesday morning for my sister and my dad signed for it this morning. Yay, tiny internet company I'd never heard of before but to whom I entrusted a large sum of money!