OMGosh, I need to quit my whining and feeling sorry for myself. I kept thinking that I was hearing a weird noise. I looked out the patio door, but there was nothing unusual going on. Later I decided to take out the garbage. I saw my elderly neighbor two doors down, sitting on her steps crying and surrounded by emergency medical personnel. They attached an IV, loaded her onto a stretcher (she screamed, poor thing) and off they went. My guess is broken hip from slipping on the rain-wetted walk. Poor thing! If only I had thought to check further, maybe she was sitting there all alone for awhile.
Seekrit message to DavidS: Back atcha.
Houston, we have a rough draft! I repeat! We have a rough draft! All 19-pages of it!
vw, I'll tell you a secret, when I got behind writing papers I used to make up citations sometimes. I guess I was good at it.
Aw, well, goodbye cabinet post, right?
Fortunatley, this one has no citations. It's kind of a memoir. Kind of. Big kind of.
Yay! Is this your last assignment for the semester, vw?
Last assignment. Still have a final tomorrow morning (that I really should get studying for).
Erika, you'd be the first person I told.
Oh dear Katie B, I hope your neighbor is ok. Ouch.
Bitchin', ita.
Especially as I can count on you to be all continental and cool and not blurt out "OMG, do you know who you are? Dude...Frank Fucking Pembleton. Dag." And stuff as in a Chris Farley sketch.
"Remember Homicide? That was *awesome*!"
Just don't mess him up too much if you kick him in the head, okay?