The Hancock Building is the pinacle of iniquity. It leers out over the shrimp-less Lakes in a way that makes people who live in its shadow make excuses for their shrimp less-ness.
See, that makes more sense, as the Hancock building is more pinnacle-shaped, and is much closer to lake Michigan.
It also has a really cool restaurant and bar on the 95th and 96th floors. Which is somewhat unrelated to the issue.
Cause she's the only Everwood watcher I know and I must talk about
Amy and Ephram! The Postcards!
Bright was so breakably sweet!
the shower!
But really I just also wanted the shiny number and I got it!
Really, Gus? Why?
about Everwood that is. Palindromes are often cool.
Why is 1001 cooler than 1000?
'Cuz of the 1.
Oh! You mean the
I just found myself not caring, anymore. I could analyze and parse further, but that is the bottom line.
Huh. Fair enough.
I think it's great, though, because it feels like the characters who are in super unreal situations or at least were season1 are in slightly more real situations right now and they have grown and changed and charmed.
I have been watching Bleak House. Many of the names are still gibberish to me (did authors contemporary to Dickens make names up the way he did? I assume they're made up, or that most of the people whose names he stole died out rather than breed), but the faces and relationships are good enough for me to keep track.
Judy---shake me up.
Kat -- I had to make a recording choice against
I'm not sure now what show that was in favor of, because I'm not sure what night
is on, anymore.
I distinctly recall thinking "I am over teen angst. Give me something new."
Kat, I still watch Everwood every week, but I haven't seen the recent one yet. It's sitting on my Tivo, all lonesome.
Board time is nigh 2AM on a Sunday.
K-T might still be awake.
The Aussies are just now drinking tea and wondering if coherence is a possible thing.