Despite my hating to wake up, I really did like your mornings. If only the night was longer, I could be a night owl AND do the whole morning-to-myself and breakfasts cooked by other people. It felt so productive even though I wasn't doing shit.
I like early mornings. In fact, today, I woke up at 5:00 AM all on my own.
So I am packing up boxes for holiday gifts. I found the tshirts for nieces and nephews, gifts for mom and dad and bro. ALSO, I found gift for some buffistas. yay.
I have put up the the christmas tree, and I cleaned off the shelf so I could hang the stockings.
I need to buy cut greens. And yet, unwilling to effortize myself.
Also, I never got sick. Well, until this am, when I had a coughing fit. And I've been coughing since then. God bless pyschosomatic suppression.
The only time in my life when I was completely ripped-off and left feeling like an utter fool was in Chicago.
I suppose I should be happy that I wasn't actually nauseous, just getting my gag reflex triggered by coughing. Way too much coughing. But I'd have expected that to happen during the bronchitis of death earlier this week rather than now that I feel basically recovered otherwise.
And Horatio Sans reassures me that some things never change by never, ever being funny.
Chicago is a big town. It plays NY against LA, and laughs its evil laugh.
I am beginning to distrust Chicago.
Chicago, in point of fact, may cause coughs.
I trust Chicago okay. I'm just wary of waiting for a fun van to arrive in May at O'Hare when it ought to be warm and was in fact bitter bitter cold.
Hey, hog butchers to the world are very trustworthy.
or at the least a great source of ham and bacon.
Hey ita! I was just at the Hustler store and there was a gay porn video called Capoeria, where pretty boys fought in buff!
Thought of you.