I don't know, Matt, but I've been recently afflicted of the same, as some here can attest to. Of course, same cold had me doing that during the cold too. It sucks.
I will say that Delsym helps a lot with that. Doesn't do anything for the random tickle that sets you off , but does stop the 24-7 tickle issue.
Glad to hear the cats are cordial again. I think I'd faint if I caught my two grooming each other.
Talked to Mis Louise tonight. So far the kids are still happy and going to school and church. Mom hasn't fallen down on the job yet. She puts forth that she's happy for them, and I do think she is. She's just worried they'll be let down. And she's missing them. I mean, god. She raised them from the time they were 2 and and infant. They are 16 and 14 now. They've got their rought bits, but..hell. N isn't pregnant, as her mother and grandmother were by the time they were 16. It may have taken 3 tries, but it looks like she's gotten this one off to a better start.
They've been coming by every couple of days, so there's that. And the whole family is doing Christmas here.
I can't believe how wrapped up I am in the future of this family.
That's pretty productive, though, msbelle. in a tv watching way.
I have cleared the top of the shelf so we can decorate it for christmas. And I'm moving stuff around so I can put the tree up.
I'm doing all this cause I
turned my papers in today!!
excuse my joy.
I still am utterly amazed at how much you do.
Despite my hating to wake up, I really did like your mornings. If only the night was longer, I could be a night owl AND do the whole morning-to-myself and breakfasts cooked by other people. It felt so productive even though I wasn't doing shit.
Joy is good, no excusing it. Turning papers in rocks.
I went upstairs to do some cleaning and reorganizing, but I fell asleep instead. Nothing is organized, and now I wonder when I'll sleep tonight. Well, I guess I could do late night cleaning. Blech.
YAY KAT!! My papers are Not Done.
Ugh, Matt, that sounds terrible.
I can't believe how wrapped up I am in the future of this family.
I think it's nice. You're far from your own family, so.
So, an NYPD officer got shot and killed last night, and one of the suspects is apparently Lillo Brancato. Creepy.
YAY! done papers.
I should maybe decorate tomorrow and do cards. hrrrmmm.
Woo Hoo Kat! Good to have that off the list.
Coke is heading for the trifecta, people. Be very afraid. They discovered the cuteness of polar bears a few year back. Then penguins. Now penguins and polar bears (and no bloodshed.)
Next up, you know, is polar bears, penguins and PANDAS!!
Korean Goilfriend has gone all Christsmakkha. She is a little vague on the whole concept, but is pretty sure it has something to do with decorating a Douglas Fir tree with red-white-and-blue lights.
You know, I'm just going to roll with it.
sarameg, if the people at Coke watched that "A Panda is Born" special -- then, I have to believe that polar bear, penguin and panda ads are just around the corner.
That is one adorable baby panda.