Oh right, because the tonic is chock-full of sugar, right? vw says that in phase two we can start having wine, so I may just try to stick to wine (however uncool it may be).
The next question is, what do I wear on my no-longer-the-size-I-was-when-clubgoing body?
I was just talking to a Dr. friend today about the sperm donor thing and we were both outraged at the movement. All sorts of wrong.
Who just had yummy Cuban food? ME!
All the decorations are down and put away except for the garland. ANd since the elevator to the basement is locked by this time, it will have to wait until tomorrow.
I'm about to go for sushi. One of the parties is running fifteen minutes late, one of the others has been throwing up all day. There were only four of us.
We do not do mushy in our family. We do funny (and I mean actually funny) or affectionately insulting.
This is what we do to. I hate buying father's day cards since my dad doesn't fish or golf or hog the tv clicker.
Apparently in Britain, there is this whole unanonymous legally sperm donor movement happening. Kind of freaks me out. My brother, um, deposited in this country. Gave a full accounting of medical history and whatnot. I'd love to say his motive was all humanitarian, but really? It was cold hard cash and frankly, though it weirds me out to think of biological nieces and nephews I'll not know... If someone wants a kid and can't but for a donor and chooses my brother's DNA in a donor program? Thank you and bless. He's a nice guy. He had a cute kid. May you have the same.
Sperm donors aren't looking to become parents, they're looking for quick cash.
Maybe that's not a good enough reason? Maybe the desires of a child who had not choice in the arrangement should supercede?
I honsetly don't know.
I can sympathize with both parties, actually.
I have a feeling that it won't be long before open-donation becomes the norm, as open-adoption is beginning to do. As with so many things, it's the transition period that's going to cause the most pain.
Most of those guys are donating with the express promise of anonymity and privacy.
Sometimes. But many actually donate with a Willing to Be Known designation. I know nothing about what ita referenced, I just know there are a fairly large number of donors who get selected because they are willing to be known. It's harder to sell sperm of donors who wish to remain permanently anonymous.
I also think it would be perfectly understandable for a child from donation to want to know their donor because there are things they can't ever know without meeting the man.
For a completely random and different topic: We just had dinner in Sherman Oaks. Halle Berry came in after us and was waiting for table. With some scruffy white guy (no idea who he was). Anyhow, I can now testify that even in jeans and sandals, she is actually quite gorgeous though taller than I'd thought she would be.