I used my last 37 cent stamp yesterday, so I'm good to go with a new book of stamps.
Tree is down. Many pine needles have been laboriously swept up from carpet and hallway and carpeted stairwell. Feh. For the remainder I think I'll pay Emmett a penny a pine needle to pick them out of the nap.
Emmett and I played tennis this morning. We warmed up, then we did some Volley Tennis, then Tiny Tennis (just using the service area), then we tried to break our Rally Record of 103 strokes, but could only get to 91 after multiple tries.
JZ bought a lock for the bikes and put a basket on hers. She and Emmett have gone for a bike ride in GG Park, with possible paddle boat riding in Stowe Lake. If it rains on them, they're doomed.
I'm going to get my bike fixed and tuned up and then we can take family excursions. JZ will be out most of tomorrow so Emmett and I will likely take a long bike ride.
Pine needles - so tiny and annoying. I think I'm going to take the Friday off before President's Day weekend. I need more time away from work. It's good for me.
Everyone needs more time away from work!
I had a great lunch with my brother and his wife & her sister at Chow on Church Street, which restaurant I was able to recommend based on previous Buffista expeditions. Now I've cleaned house and mounted ski racks and done some laundry and I'm burning a copy of Scooby Road for a friend. I may nap.
Tomorrow I get up at o-dark-thirty to drive up to Tahoe for a day of skiing with the family.
WTH? They're doing a piece on sperm donor kids looking for siblings and their fathers.
Isn't that kind of unfair to the donor?
Isn't that kind of unfair to the donor?
I think so. Most of those guys are donating with the express promise of anonymity and privacy.
Unless you need a kidney, definitely. Sperm donors aren't looking to become parents, they're looking for quick cash.
One of the kids who was asked said he didn't want a relationship, or money, just to ask a couple questions. It still seemed wrong. You can't unmeet, and if the guy was interested in knowing about kids of his, he'd have done it a different way.
One of the kids who was asked said he didn't want a relationship, or money, just to ask a couple questions. It still seemed wrong.
With donors, all the medical information should be provided--so there's really no question that warrants breaking confidentiality.
Tomorrow I get up at o-dark-thirty to drive up to Tahoe for a day of skiing with the family.
Have fun!
That is all kinds of wrong. It has to violate the agreement. Men are not going to want to donate if the info is revealed.
That is all kinds of wrong. It has to violate the agreement. Men are not going to want to donate if the info is revealed.
No, they won't. On the other hand, the kids didn't agree to anything.
Are these adult off-spring, or minors?
Okay, so I'm going to a club. I can drink, right? South Beach aside, going to a club with friends warrants a drink or two? It won't totally destroy the whole diet concept and mean I have to start from scratch?