They gave him a temporary cast, and are putting a real one on on Monday. So I'm guessing it can't be too bad, right. Also the dumbass walked around on it all day and didn't decide to go to the hospital until late last night. He also hit his head pretty hard, so I'm hoping there's no lasting concern there. We'll know more when my sister gets home.
retention of lesson~ma
Um, yeah, not so likely. But I'll gladly take the rest of it.
Um, yeah, not so likely. But I'll gladly take the rest of it.
Parents. Can live with 'em. Can't shoot 'em, unless you've got an airtight alibi, and even then I'd preemptively lawyer up.
My f-i-l broke his ankle last year. It was a tub slip sort of accident, but he waited forever and a day to get it checked, and once the break was discovered, was nothing but bullheaded about keeping his appointments, and even then, he mostly didn't, unless there was a new crisis (like sudden swelling, italicious bruising out of nowhere, etc.). My sympathies.
I hope the rest of the news is good.
Ack, Brenda. Your poor dumbass dad. I mean that in the nicest way, of course.
It's still a pretty good deal, imo. I think there was a comedian who did a bit to that effect, a long time ago, but I'm blanking on the who and the how.
Oh, totally.
Ah, if he was walking around on it that doesn't sound too horrible. Hope the checkup sounds good.
When my sister broke her ankle shoveling her deck it was a bloody awful thing, literally. Ow!
I've never broken anything, neither has Mom at 84, so good bones here. Yay milk!
Jesse, that is totally bitchin', except for "Three Men..." makes me cry every time. Because Timmy gets So. Close. and it always looks like this time he's gonna know the right thing to say.
And I'm still on topic because you can't say "sexuality kerfuffle" without mentioning the 4700 times Secor answered "So is Bayliss gay, or what?"
"No, he's bisexual."
"No shit. Really? On TV?"
I at least have to give Secor props for trying to give different answers every time.
I enjoyed the Book of Daniel, too. I do think they piled on the drama in the first half but this was the premier, so maybe they sought to grab folks and reel them in quickly.
Goddammit! Bob bought stamps this week and I had the thought, "I'm glad the price of stamps didn't go up!"
Good thing I still have some 3 cent stamps from last time.
I really should start going to trivia nights at bars.
Hey, did we all know that US postage is going up tomorrow? 39 cents for a letter now.
Yep! And the $.02 stamps have lovely navajo jewelry on them.
I ated too much breakfast. I need to go wash the car (and lori needs to wash Bear again). But really, I want to nap. Decisions. Decisions.
I just got up from a nap and I highly recommend it.
And the $.02 stamps have lovely navajo jewelry on them.
Oooh. Cool.
Also, I just got out of a mid-afternoon shower, and I recommend it as well. Very warm and refreshing.