he took a cheap Bic-type pen, removed the middle pen part, took a strong string and ran a loop of the string through the empty pen, so one end of the pen had a loop of string sticking out and the other end had the ends of the string sticking out. Then he put the mouse's head through the loop and pulled hard, breaking the neck.
Was he an artist?
No, seriously. That's the kind of thinking that sounds exactly like several artists I used to know.
English majors use hammers. There's a lesson here somewhere.
Cool. My posts are being blocked. I can say anything I want to.
eta: Crap. Right when I finally get someone who feels my artist frustration, the board makes me an idiot.
Not by ME, Gustav... oh no my darling...
t commits porn
Was he an artist?
He's a musician.
::heads off to read "Portrait of the Mouse Killer as a Young Man"::
edit to... um... be better.
t puts a porn on Trudy that would make all porn-meisters blush, 'cuz of the pure porny-ness of it all
Does that fit with your theory, Strega? This guy is way into punk, plays bass and drums....
I think his mousekilling device fits in with the punk D.I.Y. aesthetic, now that I think of it....
Dear tommyrot,
Your many friends are beginning to worry about you in regard to this obsession with mouse-snuffing.
Your Many Friends
Dear Gus,
Your many friends are beginning to worry about you in regard to this obsession with referring to yourself in the third person plural.
Your Many... D'oh!