But I would still like to see some compation in the cable tv /cable modem market.
According to the State of Texas, they are sufficiently competitive to remove all state regulation on either. Apparently, the FCC is flirting with doing the same thing. Then we can all look forward to paying our monthly $700 telecablenet bills to SBComcastWarner.
I DO! It's only a 30 minute walk.
I was actually thinking more like the old lady down the hall, but thanks!
I'm obsessed with making sure that I have phone service in the event of a power outage. It's why I have a cheapy non-cordless phone tucked awkwardly on my bookshelf. Just in case.
This is flamebait for the nerds among us, right?
My cellphone will work for 24 hours if it's fully charged when the power goes out. And I'll probably buy one of those emergency battery thingies.
The Cherokee Nation upholds gay marriage: [link]
Segway doesn't appeal (something about the standing-up thing), but my neighbor has a Honda Metro that I keep eyeing with envy. Vespas are
pricier, but they do have the wacky Spike-n-Dru "Ciao!" factor.
This is flamebait for the nerds among us, right?
Absolutely. I mean, I have not a nerd cell in my body.
My cellphone will work for 24 hours if it's fully charged when the power goes out
Mine never seems to be--I can't keep it charged nowadays.
Except now, when it's home being charged, forgotten.
My cellphone will work for 24 hours if it's fully charged when the power goes out. And I'll probably buy one of those emergency battery thingies.
But then it's only halfway charged when the power goes out and there's a three day power outage and NO ONE is open to sell you a battery powered cell phoen charger cuz you never thought you'd need one!
eta: accidentally posted before I was done!
But I would still like to see some compation in the cable tv /cable modem market
According to the State of Texas, they are sufficiently competitive to remove all state regulation on either. Apparently, the FCC is flirting with doing the same thing. Then we can all look forward to paying our monthly $700 telecablenet bills to SBComcastWarner.
Wasn't there somthing on NPR this morning about them wanting to charge the content providers because their delivery system was so good? The story said something about it being a poor idea since deregulations have killed competion.
Then I spend 3 relaxing days reading by candlelight.
Or I plan to be in Canada again, like I was in '03.