Sad thing is, I can totally understand cars, but never for more than an hour or so. Each time I retain...maybe one more word. I'm up to, what, twenty five words of recent car knowledge? I feel I'm letting down my emancipation (uh, as a woman, not as a non-slave).
In fact, I tend to want to talk computers just for pointless cred.
you geeks and your "cred".
It's not a geek thing. It's an "I am
a typical woman!" thing.
Not that that's more defensible--just that I want the record set straight.
Never said it wasn't that.
These days I might also talk krav. Capoeira was never right for that purpose.
So I've decided 2006 is the year in which, well, something changes. Not sure what. But step 1 is to do my resume.
I understand these things go in cycles: what's the current fashion for resumes? Is there a website with good examples?
4 kings=really not very good.
I wish it were, for Seth's sake, but he's only been annoying so far.
what's the current fashion for resumes? Is there a website with good examples?
Is Susan W. around anymore? Seems like she'd be the obvious person to ask. Her website's here: [link]
I just got a jury duty summons.
For less than a week before I go to the Galapagos.
If it helps any, when I was summoned for jury duty, the judge was very ready and willing to excuse for prior commitments, including travel plans.
He did not, however, automatically excuse lawyers from the jury pool, and in the one jury I ended up on that was for a criminal case there were THREE lawyers. The court clerk commented to us during a break that he had never seen that before, it was rare for even one lawyer to make it through
voir dire.