I just think we've got more devoutly religious people here and consequently our portion of nutbars is bigger.
Oh, totally. And we have a lot of people, period. It just irks me that so many decent people hear "Christian" and think "probably hates me for whatever fucked up reason." Because of the nutbars, I mean. IRKS ME, I tell you!
Right, I agree.
But Osama Bin Robertson should die painfully.
(And I don't feel guilty about thinking that since I've seen him call for other deaths.)ETA: I'm sad to think, Jesse, how often I really have thought that. They really are poisoning Christianity dreadfully, and not only by creating a situation where I'm glad to be...faithless.
It is possible to be devoutly religious without being a nutbar. I know plenty of people that are. Pat Robertson is beyond nutbar.
This country was founded on religious nutbar.
This country was founded on religious nutbar.
So true. That doesn't mean I have to like it!
This country was founded on religious nutbar.
I forget, is that Mounds or Almond Joy?
We didn't land on religious fruitcakes, religious fruitcakes landed on us!
I forget, is that Mounds or Almond Joy?
Sometimes you feel like a nut
Sometimes you don't
Americaaa's got nuts
Europe don't
No, I'm a fairly secular nutbar, unless you count the Church of St. John The Munchkin.
I just think we've got more devoutly religious people here and consequently our portion of nutbars is bigger.
I think too, there's more free enterprise in American religion. Like, in most places in Europe the predominant religion is or was the state religion. A lot of them seem to have finished with their nutbar period, and such nutbars as they have operate (and tend to be more outweighed) within their church's structure rather than being an independent voice on television.
Of course, I think this is also intertwined with you having more devoutly religious people, but that gets more complex.
I wish we could silence our nutbars...and not only because I'm catnip to them.