But you're thin enough that pleated would look good on you.
Okay, question: how many people here fear swimming in deep water? in the pool? in a lake? in the ocean?
I ask because morning news said 46% of people fear deep water in pools and ~60% fear deep water in oceans and lakes.
Man, you pleat haters. They're practical! They allow you to go from a fitted small waist to an unhindered hip in a lined business-like pant. So we can go from the office to high kicks without wardrobe changes.
You people and your misbegotten priorities.
Oh, hey! 2006! I need to go clothes shopping. But I'm still at least 5 pounds underweight.
I had a wonderful time, learned so much, and even got enough courage to tackle other texts on my own, because the class gave me the confidence that I can understand them. I mean, a couple of weeks ago I was sutting with a friend who is in law school, she was reading something for a paper, in English, and it was difficult for her. I read it with her, even though I have absolutely no idea in law, definitely not in English, and I had the confidence I can understand those pages thanks to that class. If I had more time this year, I'd take classes of that (wonderful) professor in another university (I already took everything he teaches here). Maybe next year. I've finished all the classes I have to take for my degree, so this year I'm classes-free. Geekily enough, I miss having them.
That's fantastic!
So, truly his father's son, right? You had an avatar on WX with a guitar, right?
Oh yeah. Our house is filled with musical instruments.
Also, I wish there could be pictures, too.
I generally have a few up on my blog, but the most recent ones are from the end of November. We'll get more up soon.
I'm finally beginning to understand the power of the food journal. It shames you into not eating things you'd be embarrassed to admit eating. Things like funyons.
I was pretty impressed with my food journal results before the W&H party. I lost 10lbs on it. Then I slacked and boozed and chocolated when I got back and gained 15.
More Lillian pictures: [link]
Guess who slept half the night in her own bed? That's right! Lillian! First time in almost a month. Sure, she woke up at 3am and came back into ours, but that's half a night of uncramped sleep! Woo!
Corwood, isn't it wild how fast they become humans? We're 9 months next week, and I'm not sure where the time went.
need picture of baby and guitar. It is nessacary for my continued good health.
I bought too dresses from Talbots this year. not matronly. but on the preppy side, that is for sure. But the prices were really good and they are both things I can imagine wearing for quite awhile , without them falling a part. So much stuff out there was so poorly made and very expensive when I was last shopping ( april)
I would say the only place I fear swimming in deep water is the ocean, mostly because all the rules for swimming in the ocean have been drilled into me since I was old enough to walk, and one of them is "never swim in deep water unless there's someone watching you from a nearby boat or dock." In a lake or a pool, I know I can get to land in any direction if I swim far enough. The ocean, NSM.
Aw! I can't believe he's that big already.
I know! I'm struck on a regular basis how amazing it is that there's this little guy with his own personality who came from, well, nothing. It's the most ordinary thing in the world, but it's also mindblowingly profound. I get all Up With People when I think about it.
The shirt I'm wearing (in red): [link]
I fear no water. But I grew up near the ocean!
OK, I forgot I do need to actually get some work done here. Oops.
no fear of deep water.
I am guessing if I ever get to see the Lillybean in person I"ll just spend all my time watching her face.